ChrisMaverick dotcom

On “lowering the political temperature”

Oh yeah… I have my own blog that I never use… well, now is as good a time as any. Ok… let me very carefully put on the cultural theorist hat and “both sides” this thing briefly. This is not about pretending former President Shithead didn’t bring this on himself (he did). And it’s not…

I am calling for a Biden heel turn!!!

I think it’s time for a Biden heel turn… for the good of his presidency… let me explain… So four years ago, I went to a conference at the Southern Sociological Society that happened to be held the same week as Wrestlemania LITERALLY ACROSS THE FUCKING STREET. I gave a talk where I basically explained…

The Fictional Complaint Department

I’m teaching a class called “Written Professional Communication” at the University of Pittsburgh. Amongst other things it’s about… well, communicating professionally in writing. Currently we’re working on “responding to complaints”. In order to generate some complaint s to respond to I instructed my students to write a complaint letter as though they lived in the fictional universe of their choosing:

so Facebook changed their avatars and EEK!

Ok…so apparently Facebook changed the look of their avatars to match the Quest VR versions? And they clearly did this without anyone who works anywhere at Meta bothering to consult an actual cartoon, comic book, or caricature artist, or even just google “uncanny valley”? Because what the fuck is this?!?!? Seriously WHAT… THE… ACTUAL… FUCK……

A request from the conference organizers…

Whenever you see a weird non-obvious rule listed on an online form, it’s because some smartass did something crazy the year before. This year’s PCA/ACA submission guidelines specifically say:“Please do not use quotes, bold, all caps, or symbols or emojis in the title…” Uh, yeah, that one is definitely on me… (It was just a…

To my friend Aspen…

I almost never post to my blog anymore (should fix that) Aa lot of what I say I put over on VoxPopcast), but I do pretty frequently say shorter things on Twitter or Facebook. Today, I wrote this on Facebook… a eulogy for a friend. I decided that it was something I wanted to have…

Telemarketer Theater

Guess what… It’s telemarketer theater time ya’ll!!! Caller: Hello is Chris there?Mav: Sure!Caller: Hello, this is David with XXXXX insurance.Mav: Hi, David! So nice to talk to you. How are you, what can I do for you?Caller: Wow… umm… I’m fine, thank you for asking. Ummm… sir, I’m calling on behalf of XXXXX insurance and…

Telemarketer Theater

Guess what happened today? That’s right, it’s Telemarketer Theater time, ya’ll! INT. PITTSBURGH HOME – DAYOur hero, MAV, is watching Jeopardy with his wife Stephanie when the phone rings. Mav gives a devilish smile as he looks at the phone. Steph recognizes the smile and pauses the TV. Mav answers the phone. Mav: Hello?Caller: Hello,…

Telemarketer Theater

Telemarketer Theater is getting harder and harder to do. [INT. PITTSBURGH HOME – DAY] Our hero, MAV, is doing some work on his laptop as his phone rings. He’s been discouraged by these last few calls. But maybe something will happen with this one. Mav answers the phone and hear the call center on the…

Tabulating Instructor Honoriffics

Not that this will be an accurate sampling group, but based on comments with Stephanie and Jameel… Steph and I are wondering something that we’ve put together a little poll for. What was your undergrad major.Did you call your professors (or most professors) by their first name or last name?Was it different for grad school…

So about Triplicate Girl…

Ok… question for old skool comic book fans… (Wayne Wise, looking at you since this is a favorite of yours). There’s a Legion of Superheroes character named “Triplicate Girl” or “Triad” (depending on which era of comics you’re reading). Her powers are that she comes from an alien race where everyone three identical beings. Only…