one of those days where you just sit there at work, mindnumbingly going through your appointed task wishing to be anywhere else at all. One of those days where you have a stress headached where you think your head is going to explode. One of those days where you look at the clock and realize that your only solace is that happy hour is but four hours away and you can go have a drink and not have to work again all weekend. One of those days where you then look at the calendar and realize that its only Thursday.
Kill me…
it’s probably a caffeine withdrawl headache, really… get back on the hydroxycut… you know you need it.
what are you part of the caffeine cartel or something?
use moments like these to search monster. write cover letters. find something else… keep trying don’t lose hope.
or just think about how you need to have a pillow fight at your next jammy jam…
use moments like these to search monster. write cover letters. find something else… keep trying don’t lose hope.
all in all, I’d rather have the drink…
Well, the problem is that as much as I conceptually like pillow fights, they really don’t seem to be all that fun for a sustainable amount of time… I need to get cool movie-style easily rippable down pillows and a wind machine to make the feathers float really really slowly, but that seems expensive… That said, if you want to come to the next jammy jam in your underwear and start a pillow fight, don’t let me stop you.
pillow fights are boring anyway. you need jell-o wrestling.
heh… you know I made that exact comment to when we were discussing it on AIM earlier. It sounds like we have a winner for a party activity…
OK, all women reading this, please show up at my place prepared to wrestle in jello. Thankyou, that is all…
if you’re providing the jello