and the gods looked upon the little unemployed man and they saw that he was happy and carefree and they said “we can’t have that” so they took it upon themselves to smite the power adapter to his ibook. *sigh* May be taking a trip out to Mac Outfitters tomorrow.
Day: May 30, 2003
exciting things in the mail…
by mav • • 2 Comments
Well, yesterday I got a free Mach3 Turbo razor, but today I got my passport… woohoo… who wants to leave the country? I am a little annoyed that they asked me for other aliases on the form but then didn’t print it on the passport… ah well…
so i was bored…
by mav • • 11 Comments
I was bored last night, and everyone else was doing it, so I decided to do the silly lj match thingamajig. This is what I got: mizmoose 102% billyfleetwood 95% blk 91% gwenix 91% chite 91% aad 88% sk4p 86% angelbob 84% gothfru 80% stuntviolist 76% How compatible with me are YOU? by the way,…