Mike dancing in the green room at aloha jam 2k3
Month: May 2003
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Jenn and Max
by mav • • 0 Comments
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Justina at Aloha Jam 2K3
by mav • • 2 Comments
on independent films starring my kid brother.
by mav • • 3 Comments
For once, I think I’ll pimp something else instead of me. As people may or may not be aware, my little (well, younger anyway, he’s like at least 14 feet tall, so he hardly qualifies as little) brother Marcus is a struggling actor. He’s working on a couple film projects right now, and the trailer…
and the end…
by mav • • 0 Comments
and with his final breath, Maverick took two steps forward and fell to Wayne and Garth’s feet and uttered one last “so long suckers!” The End
The Friday Five
by mav • • 2 Comments
I’m in a good mood… The season finale of Wayne’s World is today, and what could be better than that…. Hopefully I’ll be out of here by 3pm for a three- infinite-day weekend, and I can hit Silky’s and get back to seeing just how well my liver really does work. I’m so happy and…
in our darkest hour…
by mav • • 0 Comments
one final time, our hero struggles forth… lifting himself from his death bed, making one final valiant effort to save Wayne’s World from the evil horrors contained within…
and on the penultimate episode of Wayne’s World….
by mav • • 0 Comments
Oh no, Mav has been mortally wounded. The other cast members flock to his side. But it appears to be too late. Is this the end for our hero? Tune in tomorrow and find out.
more on party weather
by mav • • 6 Comments
wow… its working… chance of rain is down to 30% with a listing of “AM showers” Luau weather, here we come…
on party weather and other things…
by mav • • 0 Comments
Hmmm, chance of rain is down to 50% for Saturday. This is down from I think 80% yesterday. So hopefully, tomorrow that will drop to 20, and then -10% on Friday. Hmmm… what does it mean to have a negative chance of rain? Watched the finales of Buffy and 24 on Tivo last night, and…
on stupidity in the news…
by mav • • 0 Comments
I can’t even drag 1000 words of free flowing hostility out of this. So, yesterday, I was watching the news and they had a story about a priests who sexually abused a 17 year old boy 20 years ago. They did not name the boy (now a man) to protect his identity and privacy, but…
last chance ever…
by mav • • 0 Comments
any one have any final last-minute wacky buffy predictions?
ow ow ow…
by mav • • 3 Comments
bleah… once again, I have woken up with this weird sharp pain in my neck. I think I need to invest in better pillows
by mav • • 0 Comments
Narrowly lost to beststephi in tennis today. Got blown out the first game 1-6, did a very respectable 6-3 win for the second game, and blew a 4 game lead to lose the final game 6-7(4-6). Sigh…
on end of soul music
by mav • • 5 Comments
a few weeks ago, I posted about Nina Simone dying and Luther Vandross having a stroke, and I speculated that it was possible that no one would ever have sex ever again. thwomp tried to reassure me by telling me that it would be ok, because the world still had Barry White. I responded that…