This is mostly posted for jameel, but other people who are into physics (notably, beststephi and sk4p) may find it humorous as well. Or perhaps people who might be into wrestling or matial arts (like jeremiahblatz and ludimagist). In any case, its a fun read. Enjoy.
[EDIT: The Figure 1 and Figure 2 diagrams alone are priceless and worth clicking on the link for.]
Choice quotes:
“However, the Earth’s gravitational force ensures that the same side of the moon is always facing us”
“that special place is harder than a steel diamond!”
“that special place is harder than a steel diamond!”
Yeah, see that’s why I never use belly attacks. I can only make my special place harder than diamond in intergender matches…
Drag coefficients
This was really funny.
You know, when I do teach I often do bring physics into my explanations.
Amusing story actually, a couple months back I was fight directing Romeo & Juliet for this semi pro theater up in Boston, and the guy playing Paris taught math at Harvard. I was explaining the technique of playing a stage cut by having whatever body part is under attack be pulled by the weapon just a bit cause it makes it look nastier for the audience and the blade really would pull. The guy playing Paris (who rocked by the way), in his math professor sort of way said something about having to play out, “the drag coefficient between flesh and steel.”
I’ve used that phrase almost every time I’ve choreograph a wound with an edged weapon since.
Hilarious! Angry molecules are stronger!