I’m bored and want to draw a superhero picture. Do you want to be a superhero? Do you want to be in my picture? Here’s your shot. Answer the following questions. I’ll probably use the first 5 or 6 or so that I get answers from, so answer early if you really want in, but I reserve the right to bump people if I think they aren’t that interesting, for someone later who I think is more interesting. Or to add more people if I decide I want to. In other words. impress me.
So you want to be a superhero:
1) What are your powers?
2) How did you get them?
3) What are your favorite colors?
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
EDIT: Wow, that went fast… ok, I know I said 5 or 6, but I’ll take more… I might do more than one picture. Or a really big one.
1) What are your powers?
Super amazing style
2) How did you get them?
My TV exploded on night and knocked me out. I woke up Fabulous.
3) What are your favorite colors?
Tea green, Wasabi green, lilac
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
sleek, kittenish, soft
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference
Dude, you know what I look like. There’s a picture of me and jeff on http://www.jeffandconnie.com I guess.
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
Because I freakin’ rock.
1) What are your powers?
Super amazing style
the Martha Stewart of superheroes ;->
Dude, Martha Stewart is my evil idol. Or something.
There’s a picture of me and jeff on http://www.jeffandconnie.com I guess.
I like your ass.
I’m not quite clear on what superstyle does… give me an example…
when you say kittenish, is that to say you want your costume to be kitten inspired? or is that more a statement about you demeanor?
Courier X, baby!
1. Heightened reflexes along with the main power, vehicle manipulation. The ability to drive any wheeled vehicle is the first part of the power. The next part is the ability to “supercharge” any vehicle driven, i.e. said vehicle will be faster, more durable, more fuel-efficient, and have better handling than should be possible. As long as all the parts are present, the vehicle can be made to work.
Ultimately, this power can be expanded to other types of vehicles, or even to controlling vehicles that I’m not currently piloting, but that’s after many hours of training.
2. Latent mutant ability that manifested during extreme duress while driving in a torrential downpour.
3. Black, blue, and green
4. Sleek, sarcastic, self-controlled
5. You know what I look like, fool.
6. Razorback done right. Besides, so few teams have a dedicated badass driver these days.
1) What are your powers?
Telekenesis and Teleportation
2) How did you get them?
The Telekenesis I was born with. Infant in the crib moving stuff around the room for fun because obviously mobiles are boring. The extent of my boredom can be quite astounding, in fact. One day while bored I tried to move a teleportation device with my mind and ended up able to teleport. Now how cool is that?
3) What are your favorite colors?
Blue and Silver
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
spunky, sexy, boobaliscious
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
1) What are your powers?
Um, laserbeam eyes, float in midair, really fast hip shimmy. Oh, and some seriously sharp claws.
2) How did you get them?
It’s possibly my cat fell asleep while watching The Matrix and bit me. I learned the hipshimmy thing in belly dance class.
3) What are your favorite colors?
Black, gunmetal gray, and lavander.
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
Dark, sleek, assuliciuos.
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference
Go look ’em up in your jammyjam collection
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
Cause I have 2 months free this summer to fight crime. I’m gettin bored over here.
1) What are your powers?
Elemental Mastery! Fire, water, air, earth…
2) How did you get them?
By experimenting with dark forces in a physics lab, late at night!
3) What are your favorite colors?
silver, rich earth tones (red, green, brown)
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
scantily-clad, mystic, dark
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference
Damn… maybe once manicapathy is up… I’m trying for tonight.
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
Because I don’t have nearly as many fictional avatars as I should, and because I’ve always wanted to be a Muse.
Damn… maybe once manicapathy is up… I’m trying for tonight.
That’s a pretty damn snazzy website, even though it doesn’t work…
do you like capes?
I’ll see what I can do about the hair… but I dunno… things like that always come across as bride of frankensteinish…
what does sproingy mean?
sproingy = Tigger “bouncy, jouncy, flouncy, trouncy…” or maybe Hobbes. you know, a coiled spring, you never know when it might explode. hmmm, maybe i just meant tiger-ish.
ooh, that gives me an idea, you can give me tiger hair instead of purple and green. i’ll even forgo my favorite colors for something that matches, if that makes composition better.
1) What are your powers?
Incredible strength, able to topple trees in a single bite, speed charging, Super Antlers(tm pending)
2) How did you get them?
No, a m00se did not bite me [or my sister] once.
The origin of my powers are a great mystery.
3) What are your favorite colors?
Black and blue. And purple.
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
Large. Powerful. ANTLERED!
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference
Google for “moose” pictures and I’m sure you’ll find many.
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
Because the world needs to know about The Moose: Stomper of Evil! Antlers of Doom! Defender of the Great White North!
Cripes, I need a drink.
Google for “moose” pictures and I’m sure you’ll find many.
ummm… so are you saying you want to be not human at all, but actually be a giant moose?
“Yes, the moose has to ride in the trailer. Have you ever seen what hooves do to rich, Corinthian leather?”
Dude, I know you haven’t seen me in a while, but I AM a giant moose.
Well in “real life” I don’t have antlers. And my legs aren’t quite skinny enough. damned infection.
1) What are your powers?
a. Can brood for *years* without losing concentration.
b. Prophetic dreams (which happen fairly frequently, but I can never tell which ones are prophetic till after they come true.)
c. Can’t remember exactly what this is called, but I can go into a trance and my soul will occupy the body of some animal for as long as necessary, unless the trance is disturbed.
2) How did you get them?
a. women.
b. this shit just happens.
c. learned secrets while living with crazy shamans.
3) What are your favorite colors?
Black, gray, off-white, khaki
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
Weary, cranky, disdainful.
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference
What Jameel said.
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
You’ve only got one guy so far.
You’ve only got one guy so far.
Yeah, and you’re totally fucking that up, dude. It’s okay, though. You and me in a team full of women is all right in my book.
1) What are your powers?
I’m a professional witness/spy/evidence gatherer. I have a constant audio/video feed going from my right eye to my brain. All the useless material in my right eye socket has been cleaned out and replaced with super-expensive electronics, and now I’m a sexy mf’in gargoyle (think Neal Stephenson gargoyle, not the stone, hangs-out-above-churches kind). I’m pretty much a loner because people are intimidated being around me. They never know if they are being watched or not. I show people themselves unedited.
2) How did you get them?
Cybernetic enhancement. The government footed the bill; after one project I was so repulsed at who I was working for that I defected to a country that does not have an extradition treaty from the US, and now I get to choose my projects. And those who I used to work for are (of course) plotting my death.
3) What are your favorite colors?
Black, purple, indigo, dark green.
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
Dark, edgy, underground. Can you say synthetic armor and big boots?
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference.
Extrapolate the face from my lj thumbnail, b/c my face is usually doing something stupid in pictures and that’s one of the few I like. Body… well, I’m sure you have some pics in the jammy jam archive, but in case this helps you approximate, I’m 5’4″ , 135, 36-30-39 (shit, I guess that makes me assalicious as well) with long black hair. The body isn’t anything super-spectacular, but it gets the job done.
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
Cyborgs are fun to draw!
1) What are your powers?
The power to bend anyone to my will using my powers of persuasion and a damn cute arse
2) How did you get them?
Honey, these are natural
3) What are your favorite colors?
Purples, but I’m pretty much cool with all colours.
4) In 3 adjectives or less describe your “style” (dark, sexy, edgy, colorful, sleek, boobaliscious, etc.)
Boobaliscious? lol, weirdo. Errm, Normally I go for the catholic school teacher look, honest, but my night I rip off my knee length brown skirt, kick off my little small heel dorathy shoes, let my hair free from the loose bun and get very “boobaliscious”!
5) Point me at a couple pictures of yourself on the web for reference
duh. http://lucidreality.co.uk
6) Give me any other reasons you think I should choose you to be superhero. (optional)
Cos you’re my main man Mav! <3<3<3<3