So if you know me, you might have noticed something along the way. See. I’m nuts. Its subtle. And you might not see it at first, but yeah, trust me, its there. I ain’t all there. A beer short of a six-pack. A few fries short of a happy meal.
Being that I am nuts, there are certain lower-brow entertainment styles that I am enamored of. One of them is professional wrestling. I’ve loved pro wrestling since I was like 10 years old or something. I had previously considered trying to go to professional wrestler training just because it seemed like a fun idea. I don’t really have any delusions of jetting around the world with the WWE, but really, if I get to wrestle in front of 100 people, I’d probably feel like king of the world. But I could never find a school around here. Never until now.
The International Wrestling Cartel has a school over in Homestead and I have written a guy to get information about it. Apparently the classes are $150/month, meeting twice a week, for 32 weeks. I would be trained by these two guys:
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Shirley Doe |
Super Hentai |
And really, what do I have to lose but $1600 and a bunch of pain? So what do you think? Should I do it? Who wants to go with me?
wow, wouldn’t it be so amusing to run up to Shirley, kick him in the shins, tell him he’s got a girl’s name, then run away really really fast!!
Anyway, I’m so coming with you! I could be the next Lita!!” *growls all butch*
ummm… he looks kinda mean (as you would expect a man who grew up with a girl’s name to be)… so only if you mean amusing in the sense of Mav gets his ass kicked really bad kinda way…
yeah, I meant that kind of ammusing, the best kind of ammusing.
ok, its certainly not the BEST kind of amusing… it might be mild amusing… maybe even a little funny… but there are many many many things more amusing than me getting my ass kicked…
…*ponders*…I think I have to disagree 😛
I dunno. I think it’d be more amusing if mav kicked shirley’s ass, since that would be unexpected. and then we could all have a good laugh at shirley for having a girl’s name and getting his ass kicked by mav. and then he’d have tears welling up in his eyes, and we’d all see that, even if he is a wuss with a girl’s name, he’s a human being too, suffering a humiliation for which he was ill-prepared, and his whole world is crashing down, and it’s just kind of sad…
no, you’re right, it’s more amusing if shirley kicks mav’s ass.
and the likely hood our Mav kicking Shirleys arse is a little unlikely 😛
hello… I am still reading you know…. seesh!
wow, you and Shirley could fight! and video tape it! then send it to everyone! and highly ammuse all the people on your friends list!
well, yeah, one would assume that since he’s the instructor we’d end up fighting eventually… maybe I’ll have a tape made once I’m good or something…
It would be much better if you were pants. honest.
But if mav were pants, what sort of pants would he be?
the pants kind.
pants pants? wacky…
lol, you lot have weird names for things 😛
says the girl named after a plant… 😉
dude, I can kick you arese in a second, are you dissing my name>?
girlee, don’t make me turn you over my knee!!!
*pins you down and attacks you*
Don’t make me get my mate Shirley to come beat you boy!
ah… see, I thought you were gonna do it yourself… you’re not that tough after all…
like I’d risk breaking a nail!
what happened to being all butch and being the next Lita?
I sure even she doesn’t like breaking nails!
good, then you won’t be fighting back when I turn you over my knee…
I can kick and scream and call for Shirley though!
bah… I think you’d like it…
maaaaaaaaaybe, but isn’t it more fun when they wriggle?
depends on my mood and the exact nature of the spanking…
oooo you kinky lil bugger!
is what it is… and really… you should talk
me!? I am a saint!
saint of what? dorky kinkiness?
stop it! 🙁
ok, ok… I’m done now… kiss and make up…
*jumps on you and snogs you* haha
uh huh… you’re true motivation is revealed after all…. 😉
harder baby 😛
oh yeah! that’s what I thought… 🙂
ah yes… the communication gap between someone who speaks english and someone who speaks… ummm… english…
i speak american, but usually i try to type british…favourite, defence, and whatnot…i just think it’s classier. But that’s beside the point…I’m unfamiliar with the british meaning of “pants” in this context, I had assumed it was a typo, and she meant, “It would be better if you wore pants,” and yes, it definitely would be.
“It would be better if you wore pants,” and yes, it definitely would be.
but my legs are so nice… why must you always pretend that they are not… bah!
It’s not so much your legs…i mean, shorts would be fine. It’s those wrestling leotard things. they’re just so, i dunno…vulgar…
And really, what do I have to lose but $1600 and a bunch of pain?
i don’t think you really lose the pain. more like gain some.
eh… I already have plenty pain… maybe if I’m lucky they’ll knock some out of me… eh… maybe not…
I have a friend who’s in some minor league wrestling (I didn’t know such a thing existed until he told me he was in one), with ambitions of trying to get in the WWE. It’s not all that nuts.
Hey, if you can afford the $1600, go for it!
But Shirly Doe looks as girly as his name. Don’t know how good of a trainer he’d be. And Super Hentai?! I just have to say it again, Super Hentai!?! WTF!?
which minor league is he in, do you know? A friend here or in Ohio?
It’s my friend Rick Allen, in Cincinnati Ohio. I have absolutely no idea what league he is in. Sorry.
well, cincinnati is HWA territory… is he one of these guys?
In fact, he’s Ric, the first one in the third row.
jeeze… he has like 65 lbs. on me. I expect I’ll be running into a lot of that… Souds great!!!
That would be uber-cool. Then I can say that I’m friends with a real, live, honest-to-god wrestler. Well… I guess I’d actually be a friend of friends of a wrestler, since I haven’t met you yet, but… still. Still neat.
Would you perhaps be needing a manager?
Well… I guess I’d actually be a friend of friends of a wrestler, since I haven’t met you yet
I fully expect I will be at‘s party at some point tomorrow so you can meet me then. Plus, I’m a bum… I’m always around somewhere…
Would you perhaps be needing a manager?
God yes. thinks wrestling is stupid and probably won’t do it… can you wear a slutty sparkly dress and pass me foreign objects when no one is looking? I’m told you’re good with a crowbar.
I’ll be at the party at least briefly tomorrow, so I might see you there.
can you wear a slutty sparkly dress and pass me foreign objects when no one is looking? I’m told you’re good with a crowbar.
Hm… ordinarily, it takes a wedding, a funeral, or Halloween to get me into a skirt or dress. But if it let me get closer to the violence, I’m willing to compromise.
And yes… I’m specialized in the crowbar. Proficient with a cattleprod, too, if the occasion calls for it.
I’ll be at the party at least briefly tomorrow, so I might see you there.
I’m not sure when we’re going yet… when are you going to be there?
Hm… ordinarily, it takes a wedding, a funeral, or Halloween to get me into a skirt or dress.
Well, I’d say its sort of like Halloween, right? I mean, its definitely the kind of thing you dress up for.
But if it let me get closer to the violence, I’m willing to compromise.
Well, you could always sign up for the classes too…
I’m not sure when we’re going yet… when are you going to be there?
I’ll probably be there relatively early into the party.
Well, you could always sign up for the classes too…
If I had the money to spare and would be staying in Pittsburgh, I’d be tempted. But I’ll be heading out of here in August or September, in order to earn said spare money. I’ll be really curious to hear what it’s like if you do end up doing it, though.
yeah, I think I may go next Thursday and check it out… then see what I think about signing up for the week after that or something…
Or I could wait the next session of classes in the fall, when I hope I might have more money and like health insurance and stuff…
Where are you moving to? There are schools in most of the big cities in the country.