this is bizzare. So I played and lost to beststephi 6-2, 3-6, 6-3. Which in addition to changing stephi and my ratings (though not enough to change our rankings) dominio-effects georgejas and wooble’s ratings in such a way as their rankings change. Math is hard weird… lets go shopping!
Day: July 6, 2003
on my hypos getting such an upper hand of me…
by mav • • 9 Comments
It suddenly occurs to me that its already July 6th and I have not yet started my summer rafting season. This must clearly be remedied. Anyone feel like taking a rafting trip anytime soon?
living by committee 4 lyf!
by mav • • 23 Comments

As I was mentioning to some people the other day at the party, I’ve been thinking of getting another tattoo. This one I was thinking of putting on my left shoulder, upper arm. I’ve been playing with designs, and wouldn’t mind some input. Here are the current designs (clicking on the image will give you…