So I never got around to seeing Spy Kids 3 (trying for a matinee sometime on Saturday if anyone else is interested). Instead, went shopping with beststephi for nice clothes for her conference next week. While at the mall we were accosted by one of those “hey, wanna take a survey?” type people. We said no, but then they told us that we’d get $25 if we did it. So Steph changed her mind… and decided that I would do it. It was pretty interesting. The “survey” involved me watching commercials for Nationwide insurance while I was filmed and little electrodes were hooked up to my head, auspiciously to guage my reactions to what i was seeing (I’m certain in reality they were reprogramming me with sleeper commands for the impending revolution. Ah well. Anyway, then they ask me questions about what I saw and send me on my way $25 richer.
Also, Dana informs me that she is in fact not able to make the rafting trip (Aug 2nd), so I now have no official confirmations… so if you want to go, PLEASE let me know A.S.A.P.
Bleah, everyone is asleep or out doing something more fun than me… someone amuse me…
Electrodes? Hahahaha Sounds like someone was doing a psychology experiment. Back in Freshman year, they told us that participating in an experiment — as a subject — was a requirement of Psych 101. I was like, you’re kidding, right? Nope. So I had electrodes too. Presumably, it was a new lie detector they were testing, but maybe it was a double-blind experiment for something else? Only your Secret Government Agent knows for sure…
yeah, I’ve done that sort of thing before. But I’ve also had electrodes applied to me before for electroencephalograms and such, and based on the small number they applied and where they applied them, I am inclined to believe that they were there to basically tell whether or not I was smiling at something as well as my pulse. That, or feeding government propoganda straight into my brain. So it probably wasn’t a psych experiment. Pretty sure it was market research or big brother brain washing…
When I had to do my psych 101 experiments it was all boring cog sci stuff and staring at cards and lists. Nothing exciting.
Last summer I did a neuroscience experiment that was pretty interesting though (I had the afternoon free and there was pay), it was some eye-hand-memory coordination thing with an electric sensor on my hand. It measured how well you could aim your hands with no visual input, some of it almost felt like a martial arts drill.
so how did you do in it?
I guess I did ok, the experimenter was very professional and didn’t register anything one way or another.
aha! that you rememeber… I bet you’re a sleeper agent now too…
Well, since that time I’ve had a strange affinity for firearms and infomercials…
Well if you start obsessing over insurance infomercials, you’ll know the answer. hehe
Re: brainwashing
hmmm… it never occured to me that they might be trying to brainwash me into liking insurance commercials.. I had always assumed there were subliminal messages that were programming me to be some kind of sleeper agent for an evil army hell bent on world domination… your thing makes sense too though…
Re: brainwashing
You sound as though the insurance infomerical people could not use an evil army hellbent on world domination…
They may all be one and the same.
Re: brainwashing
Oh, you failed to mention that it was my Ted doing the “testing”. *wicked grin*
Re: brainwashing
ah ha! there are post-hypnotic suggestions in your pics aren’t they… must-hold-out-must-resist-must-not-become-tool-of-gothic-world-take-over-must-not-be—–arrrrgggh…. goddamn, would you look at her legs!!!!
Re: brainwashing
–Kris, your future master…
[[The “survey” involved me watching commercials for Nationwide insurance while I was filmed and little electrodes were hooked up to my head,]]
no shit. I *knew* it. I knew that’s the sort of stuff they did in the DATA RESEARCH storefront. Was this by any chance at Century III? And it even measured up to my most outlandish expectations. Electrodes indeed.
I used to make extra cash by volunteering for experiments through cmu psych. But I never got to have electrodes. {{{{sigh}}}}
yes it was in CIII mall.
Again with the “bought clothes” and no pictures.
yeah yeah yeah… I know… but its not my fault really… for one thing, they won’t let you take pictures in the mall anymore, and its really hard for me to get people to model their new outfits when we get home. Todays girls are so lame… no sense of fashion or appreciation for the fact that they are female and have the option of looking good in clothes. Dammit, if I were a cute girl, I’d take a picture of my outfit every morning…
These days it’s all about trying to be as ugly^H^H^H^Hcomfortable as possible. Not just the women, either. Yes, I’m jealous too… to only have the option of dressing to impress…
My parents wanted me to be a Jennifer (on the 3rd try, it worked). I think I agree with them.
“Comfortable”… Yeah, that’s a euphemism for “slovenly” in my book. I still dress to impress, but I’m finding myself a rarity lately. It’s a damn shame. With today’s stretch fabrics, there’s no excuse for not showing a little style; they’re soft, unrestricting, and have way more flair than baggy cotton sweatpants and hoodies.
yep…. as the man once said “it’s better to look good than to feel good, because once you look good and people know that you look good, then you will start to feel as good as you look, and dahling, you look MARVELOUS!” Really, I mean, taking care of your appearance is the least you can do for all the people who are forced to look at you all day. 🙂
Exactly. You know, maybe if I didn’t have to look at slobs everywhere, all the time (except but probably only because I give her a hard time) maybe I wouldn’t be anymore. Maybe I’d be
except stuntviolist but probably only because I give her a hard time
and she’s a better person for it… see, I keep trying to explain that to (and other people for that matter)… I mean, what, do people really doubt the wisdom of Fernando? You know, I bet if more people walked around in miniskirts, high heels, plunging necklines and bare midriff’s there would be no war… god bless america… or well, america according to britney spears anyway…
and she’s a better person for it…
I’m not sure how to take that…
take it in the best way possible, as that is how it was intended…
See, that’s the thing. It doesn’t have tto be that way… for men or for women… there are all kinds of nice fashions out there. I know cuz I spend a lot of time at the mall looking. And in fact, a lot of the kids (like in highschool, and maybe early college) even seem to understand this. But too many other people just kinda feel like you said, and roll out of bed into whatever is balled up on the floor closest to them. Its very sad, really.
Some of them. I may be in the minority, but I also think capri pants (flood pants for women) and flip flops (beach sandals in a town with no beach) are mockable.
I’m just that kind of person.
agreed… I said a lot of kids… not all of them…
*sigh* now we’re gonna get flamed by the sandal wearers…
I’m not against sandals. These are perfectly nice.
touche… quite nice indeed… but yes, I meant sandals of the beach variety.
Even those ones are ok: you need something to run through a chipper to use as fill under AstroTurf. And I’d be happy to be tossing ’em in.
ah… but you see, I consider AstroTurf a sin…
Fine. As fill under playground equipment.