spent most of the day helping wooble and Tracey move, so I don’t have much interesting to say. I will say that their new house is pretty kickass. But its kinda weird having Geoff live in a house with a bathroom that’s not big enough to play football in.
Just sent mail to people about rafting again… if you want to go (either this weekend or next weekend) PLEASE answer ASAP. If you didn’t get mail from me 5 min. ago and you want to go, let me know ASAP as well.
Oprah Log: Still no update from the Larry King people… bleah, maybe I should try going into radio or something…
Sorry, Mav, I can’t go rafting with you.
ok, this one hardly qualifies as an honorable comment… 😉 but uh yeah… thanx for the heads up or something…
I could totally knock down the wall between the bathroom and the 2nd bedroom and have an even bigger bathroom than before.
yeah… but how do you raise the ceiling?