so after brief forays into extreme sexist misogyny and racism I now return you to your regularly scheduled metrosexual rambling…
This is mostly for zenthia and mistergrumpy, but comments welcome from whoever else too…

The shirt that I got from International Male last week. I actually already had the ice shirt, so I bought the fire shirt to wear with it. Opinions?
Egad, how will Neo be able to defeat a Maverick that can clone himself?
*falls over laughing*
do you like have a macro that posts that to my journal?
*falls over laughing*No, of course not.
Mister Higgins! So we meet again…
What you need to do is go forth and turn your fellow men onto the metrosexual style! That way us women get more eyecandy and the world is a happier place.
heh… I have a hard enough time convincing women to go shopping with me, and they’re supposed to like it… guys are hopeles…
No, no, you’re supposed to kind of grab them and turn them into Mavs…
you know, when you made the Matrix comment, i considered photoshopping up a picture of turning you into a T2 effect Mr Smith thing… but I didn’t really have the gumption… it seemed like a lot to do for a basic one liner…
I would like to go on record as saying that I was a metrosexual long before the term was coined.
dude… you’re preaching to the choir…
Then can I get an AMEN?
no, but you can get a FABOULOUS!
Thanks girlfriend!
you have to catch Queer Eye…
Unfortunatley I don’t have cable, but I will try to get into the home of someone who does. I keep hearing fabulous things about the show.
at least last week it also came on NBC (after Will and Grace)… I dunno about this week… but in any case, you certainly must find a means…
1. No, you just are dressed by your sisters.
2. Can you be something if there is no name for it?
3. Not in that shirt you bought in Harlem, you’re not.
ooooh…. looks like someones been outed!
1. Not all the time, and even if I were, having female fashion consultation is still acceptable.
2. Of course I can, the performance of an identity can exist without a verbal signifier representing it, the signifier is called into existence by the performance, not vice versa (in this case).
3. That shirt is fabulous.
3. Find me an official fag who agrees with you.
To make someone an official fag, we would have to test their faggness by having them try to marry and be rejected by government policy.
No shirt is important enough to go through all of that.
Though I may be able to find an unofficial fag or several.
you guys think about this stuff like way too much… seriously…
If you have seen The Shirt to which I refer…
Never mind…
If you have seen The Shirt to which I refer…
Hmm… must have been something, to warrant the capital letters…
Something terrible. However, I fear that if I discuss The Shirt anymore, it will follow me to Jammy Jam.
I like the ice shirt better, but that may be due to pose? and yeah, two Mavs….whew
and yeah, two Mavs….whew
well…. yes, I am one sexy bitch… sit down, have a drink of water… I’d hate for you to faint.
This scared me. It really did. I don’t know whether it was the dual Mav effect or the look on Fire Mav’s face. It looks like someone is holding his favorite chew toy just behind the camera.
bah! I’m a sexy beast! Admit it!
::puttin on the Hot Chocolate::
I believe in miracles…