ChrisMaverick dotcom

Day: August 21, 2003

game on! The interview meme!

Its been a long long time since I did one of these, so when zombiesrah posted a new invitation I had to jump in on it. You know the rules: If you want me to interview you, just post a comment saying so. And now, the questions zombiesrah posed of me.: 1. I’m asking similar…

my life as a wrestler, week 6

Not so much with the ow this week because I spent most of the class learning a move. I now possess the knowledge of how to do the world’s shittiest headlock takeover. Just horrid really. I really need to work on it. My form is bad, my technique is bad. I mean, I do get…

on computers hating me….

First my ibook dies (again) and now the elseworld website is down… technology must just fucking hate me. Someone hook me up with an abbacus and a hand written newsletter. If you can’t find me later, its probably because my cell phone exploded and took my head off. *bleah*