ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: August 2003

game on! The interview meme!

Its been a long long time since I did one of these, so when zombiesrah posted a new invitation I had to jump in on it. You know the rules: If you want me to interview you, just post a comment saying so. And now, the questions zombiesrah posed of me.: 1. I’m asking similar…

my life as a wrestler, week 6

Not so much with the ow this week because I spent most of the class learning a move. I now possess the knowledge of how to do the world’s shittiest headlock takeover. Just horrid really. I really need to work on it. My form is bad, my technique is bad. I mean, I do get…

on computers hating me….

First my ibook dies (again) and now the elseworld website is down… technology must just fucking hate me. Someone hook me up with an abbacus and a hand written newsletter. If you can’t find me later, its probably because my cell phone exploded and took my head off. *bleah*

on bringing the pain…

for people who are interested for whatever, my training diary is finally up on the IWC wrestling website. The training diaries are where me and the other students talk about the class “in character.” So feel free to go and look for a good laugh… then you can come back here and make fun of…

on Monday morning…

so judging from the responses I have gotten from people both in real life and here, I think it’s fair to call Jammy Jam 2K3 a success. It was pretty hectic and a lot of work, (parties I’m throwing always are… and I spend a lot of time running around, performing my hostly duties… in…

Jammy Jam 2003

went rather well except for a few snafus (like my laptop blowing up before the party) There will be details and pictures up once I get time to do so. Probably a couple weeks due to aforementioned laptop problems. In the meantime, thank you to everyone who made it, especially the people who came from…

son of a bitch…

if I’m not around online much in the next few days, its because my FUCKING LAPTOP IS DYING IN THE SAME FUCKING WAY AGAIN!!!! This time it died 15 min before the party started yesterday. I can sometimes get it to boot and be flakey, so I was able to download the music playlists onto…

my life as a wrestler, week 5

Everything that I actually know how to do is getting better… I can’t believe i ever even had problems with the kippup at this point. I’m dealing with the soreness a lot better, and I’m getting in better shape (been working out pretty regular again, outside of training as well). All classes start out with…


Dammit! Why God? Why?!? Father Guido Sarducci is out. This completely sucks… *sigh* So my initial inclination was to switch my official support to 19-year-old Elizabeth Swaney, mostly because she’s kinda cute, and unlikely to win, so she kinda fits my profile for randomly supporting a candidate…. (you know, the same way that Perot was…