wow… Pat Tillman was killed in combat…
For those who don’t know, he was a strong safety for the Arizona Cardinals. Walked away from a $3.6million NFL contract after September 11th to enlist in the army. Apparently he was killed in combat today (or at least it was reported today).
Wow. Go, him.
wow… that’s an odd response…
Is it? I mean, he gave up riches to go fight and die for his people. That’s a damn movie he had for a life. Go him.
ah… well yeah, I do have the utmost respect for his decision. So yeah, go him on that… But, on the other hand, he is like dead and stuff… that’s gotta suck.
I find it a bit odd that lots of people are talking about how smart he was, when he walked away from millions of dollars to go get himself killed. I don’t think “smart” is the word for someone like that, especially if he’s got a degree in Marketing. Brave, patriotic, noble, maybe.
Well, at least he got sent to Afghanistan instead of Iraq; it’d be worse if he’d been killed in a war that has nothing to do with terrorism except as a flimsy pretext when he was motivated by 9/11.
yeah… people always find the weirdest things to compliment the dead on. I also don’t like the term “untimely” death… aren’t pretty much all deaths untimely?
not really. scheduled executuions happen like clockwork…
exception that prooves the rule…