ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: April 2005

on me giving away free flickr accounts…

That’s right, free stuff, bitches! Fire Escape Originally uploaded by chrismaverick. So, as I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been using Flickr to store and share my photos. I liked it enough that I paid for a pro account a while back. It’s not really designed to host images, but its pretty snazzy if you’re into sharing…

on stupid frozen food instructions…

on what fucking planet do the dumbasses at pillsbury live, wherein they honestly seem to believe that anyone opens up a box of Totinos Pizza Rolls (which come in backs of approx. 15. Mine had 17) and cook 7-8 rolls at a time in the microwave as instructed by the “helpful” directions on the side…

answers to kingdomjames’s interview

To anyone else who requested interviews, I’ll get to them as soon as I can. Been really busy. And basically, I suck. To people who didn’t request, yes, its still open. kingdomjames: 1. have you been practicing your promos at home like i told you? Yes, trying to. 2. will you sit down with me…

on the return of the interview meme…

just when I think I’m out, they keep pulling me back in… 1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” 2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions. 3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions. 4. You will include this explanation and an…

on “That’s Hot!” (or not)…

(EDIT: For people who are wondering, all the links here should be relatively worksafe. A tad on the sexy side, but I tried to not link to anything more scandalous than what might not grace the cover of Cosmo or Maxim in a grocery store checkout line) So, I know I sort of touched on…

on pop culture memes to pass the time

(stolen from jameel): 1. Post a list of ten TV shows or fandoms you follow (current or cancelled). 2. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each show. 3. When guessed, bold the line and write a sentence about why you like the character. 4. Post in your own LiveJournal. Some of these…

on pointless protests…

So on the way to work this morning, while stopped at a red light downtown, there was a guy standing next to me with a sign. At first maybe I thought he was some homeless person begging for change or something, but then I actually read his sign and came to realize that he was…