ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: August 2006


Day 20 of 365 days. I didn’t know for sure what I wanted to do with today’s photo, but I knew I didn’t want it to be sleep related. About 3 or 4 days into this whole process, I had the idea that perhaps when it was done I might put together a coffee table…

on preparing for the apocalypse…

8-17-06 Originally uploaded by chrismaverick. I’ve been paying a lot of attention to Flickr and my 365 Days project the last week or so and haven’t been watching LJ as closely as I probably should. So if I missed anything really big or important that you expected me to comment on, you should probably tell…


Day 19 of 365 days. This is kind of another high concept piece. I had this idea yesterday, when I woke up and took the second half of my self-portrait. There I had before and after sleep, but how did that transition take place. To find out I did a little experiment. What we have…


Day 18 of 365 days. Ok, this is what I call a concept picture. Night and Day. A composite of what I look like just before I went to sleep last night around 2am and what I looked like this morning when i woke up a little before 8am. How the hell am I more…


Day 17 of 365 days. Not a terribly interesting day. Not a terribly interesting picture. But something that needed to be done. Much to Steph’s delight, I finally got around to doing some work on the attic. Of course, we’re still not done, but it is a nice feeling of accomplishment to at least make…


Day 16 of 365 days. So I walk up to the local cigarette store to take a picture in front of the "MAVERICK" brand cigarettes sign. Something I’ve been meaning to do for a week now. And then as I’m walking back home and walking down the hill I come up with this other idea…


Day 15 of 365 days. "Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are…" -Meat Loaf Didn’t have that many super ideas for today as it was kind of a lazy Saturday. Initially I was going to take a picture of me replastering my attic, but I never got around to going…


Day 14 of 365 days. "This will be the high point of my day. It’s all downhill from here." – Lester Burnham, American Beauty So I actually took this shot this morning as kind of a backup shot in case I didn’t come up with something better by the end of the day. Then I…


Day 13 of 365 days. Yet another heavy photoshop day. I think I may be done with that for tomorrow, but who knows. Anyway, again an idea I had on the way home from work. Where all the most creative thinking is done. I’m posting it after midnight but that because I had to put…

on Hooters and hypocrisy…

8-20-06 Originally uploaded by chrismaverick. So back on Sunday, I went to watch a wrestling PPV at Hooters with suicideking, jakegarrett, bobbyjaggers, devindevine, Chuck Roberts and CJ Sensation. beststephi of course didn’t go, because it was a wrestling thing and a Hooters thing and she hates both. But that brings up something I have been…


Day 12 of 365 days. My tribute to Nick Nolte, James Brown and all the other celebrities who have graced the pages of the Smoking Gun. Why is it that celebrities never look good in mug shots? Did they all just come from losing their weekly poker game like I did? (eliminated first this week……


Day 11 of 365 days. Memoirs of an Invisible Mav. One of the nice things about this project is that it has made me start thinking of different ideas that I wouldn’t normally come up with. I actually had a couple random ideas that weren’t so photoshoppy today, but then this one started baking in…


Day 10 of 365 days. And back to silly artistic wankery. I actually had this idea a couple days ago, but it wasn’t til tonight that I really felt like going into my basement and playing a solo game of pool. There were a couple shots that I really liked and I couldn’t make up…