Day 8 of 365 days. I can’t believe I’m in the second week and still going strong. I have a wrestling show today and I’ve been wanting to find some way to take a picture of myself while I’m in the ring, but I haven’t figured out a good way to do it. Sure, I could have someone else take a picture, but that would be cheating. So instead, I got up early and took this idea I’d had for a couple of days.
Looking back, I’m noticing that most of my self portraits are shirtless. I wonder if that says anything about me.
Made a list of ideas for future portraits on my whiteboard. Hopefully if I can keep just a little ahead of the game, I can keep this from becoming boring.
And yes, I know I should quit smoking. *sigh*
Used in LJ post:
Nice self-potrait Chris..Love the effect. But I don´t like cigarette… :*
really nice in bw – kinda gritty but in a good way!
From The Continuum Pool
Place nicotine patch on shirtless torso, but don’t cover any tatts.
I like it.
This was voted a Maybe from Hit, Miss or Maybe
Boy that cigarette really lights up. Nice self portrait.
The continuum pool
Nice work, he looks a bit moody
The cigarette draws you into this moody like portrait. I like it a lot.
i don’t like it.
i don’t think a cigarette is so interesting to meke a partial desaturation.
maybe the eyes
very nice
** This was voted a HIT from Hit, Miss or Maybe **
Reminds me of something from the 50s and 60s when men were still men
too much noise
yes, very noisy, however the colorful cigar adds to the comp.
Score 7/10 (from the 1for10 group).
don’t smoke!
From the 1-2-3 (no per day limitations)-group
Cool effect, great B&W
From the 1-2-3 (no per day limitations)-group
Score 8/10 (from the 1for10 group).
still moody
Score 9/10 (from the Score Me! group)
Beauitful portrait
Score 7/10 (from the 1for10 group).
We do not like those touches of colour.
Score 9/10 (from the 1for10 group).
Powerful image – love the desaturation
You know, I don’t mind the noise too much. It’s grainy enough to give it some life and….I don’t know…it’s analog-y. Nice shot. And although it’s fairly obvious, I like the selective color as well.
Score 9/10 (from the 1for10 group).
strong image. Score 8/10 (from the 1for10 group).
I like very much this portrait, the noise works very well here, your expression is great and the cutout very well done.
Seen in 1-2-3 B&W (tag 123bw) (?)
I like it…but the cig is making me nauseous…smoked TOO MANY this weekend and need to detox myself for a few days 🙂 Cool pic!
I’m going to have to go against the grain (and with JTi) on this one. I find color cutouts (in general) overdone and tired. (As with everything, there are exceptions. But what started as a (possibly) cool effect has become cliché, something done when the artist doesn’t have a better idea, or the image can’t stand on its own. This one can.)
I really like the composition of this photo, and you might have been ok with just making the ember firery orange/red, but the brown in the filter looks painted on, and it’s a complete distraction. It says "look at me, I can use Photoshop, aren’t I cool?" and detracts from the composition.
@erikogan: You know, orginally my idea was to just have the ember glowing and everything else in B&W but then it looked too much like a color error. There was just a red dot in the center of the pic. So I decided to extend it to the rest of the cigarette.
Do you really think it could have stood on its own? I wasn’t terribly impressed with it as a B&W portrait.
And yes, I totally acknowledge that I was sitting aroung going "I need an idea" and couldn’t come up with anything better. 🙂
i thought you already quit.. like, years ago!
Ooh just saw this one Mav after checking out your blog – I think this one should’ve gone in the ‘bringing sexy back’ set…. Not that I’m encouraging smoking or anything….
@rachel: thanx. I was actually really happy with how this one turned out. I maybe wish it was a little sharper.
@Bulevar Revolucije: thanks