Day 16 of 365 days. So I walk up to the local cigarette store to take a picture in front of the "MAVERICK" brand cigarettes sign. Something I’ve been meaning to do for a week now. And then as I’m walking back home and walking down the hill I come up with this other idea for a shot. Snap off a couple and then when I get home I end up liking it a ton more. So of course the other shots in front of the cigarette sign are now completely wasted. Sure I guess I could go and do it again some other day. Ultimately though, I guess finding new things is essentially what this whole process is all about.
Zane’s Mom, Marcela and others will be happy to see that I have once again returned to having my shirt open for pictures. Another added bonus to this whole 365 day process is its probably going to make me want to work out more. If I have to look at myself I’m going to say stuff like "Hmm… I’m getting a little pudgy, better work on that."
Hmmm… I was going to go work on plastering the attic (you’ll note I’ve been saying that for the last week) but now I feel like I need to squeeze off 1000 sit-ups or something.
I think you can go directly to the 2-year selfportrait thing! you seem to have so many ideas. could you open a discussion where you post the idea you have but won’t use (useful for somebody like me)
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
Interesting subject to shot.
From The Continuum Pool
Great shot !
From the 1-2-3 (no per day limitations)-group
no offense but you look kinda scary and dangerous. as if someone didn’t want to have his picture taken and decided to have a go at the photographer. very cool impression.
Frightening and moody – brilliant!
From The Continuum Pool
This was voted a maybe from Hit, Miss or Maybe
Frightening but so great
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr also the background etc
** This was voted a HIT from Hit, Miss or Maybe **
nice pose you have captured, perhaps a bit more contrast would make it pop.
this photo only works with the story
great mood. good shot.
** This was voted a maybe from Hit, Miss or Maybe **
Beautidul idea and very nice shot, to bad the feet have been cut out
Score 7/10 (from the 1for10 group).
Good capture but I think it needs a bit more contrast.
Score _9_/10 (from the 1for10 group).
quite a project, I admire the dedication
I love it……….great expression and i like in black and white
(4 Aces)
Score 9/10 (from the Score Me! group)Needs a little more light on the subjects face, a little too high contrast. Maybe a slightly tighter crop?
Great picture, and you are so right I also start off intending to do something but end with liking more totally different stuff that just came along;-)
(3:1 Group)
Awesome shot….it feels like a classic from the late 60’s. Beautiful work.
Score 9/10 (from the 1for10 group).
Commented before – but again, to follow rules in group….
Again, great shot. Very classic indeed !
Seen in 3:1 (make 3 comments, add 1 photo) (?)
Very nice.
Score 8/10 (from the 1for10 group).
Score 9/10 (from the Score Me! group)
Very good b&w shot. I love the sense of movement and the expression. Leaves you wondering what happens next…
Score 8/10 (from the Score Me! group)
Score _9_/10 (from the Score Me! group)
I’ m late … I was reading the story …. I would’not like to be on your road when you are in a bad mood …. ;-))
great shut !
one must read the story to appreciate
illustrative then
Score 8/10 (from the 1 for 10 group)
@kanorama: I dunno about that. There’s the possibility that I might go beyond 365 days. But for now I think that’s a good mark. As for having different ideas. Sometimes I don’t really. Like I thought yesterdays was pretty lame. And for this one, really I just got lucky.
Everyone else: thanks for the comments. I probably should have played with the contrast a bit. My mistake. Might go back and fix it later or might just consider it a lesson learned. As for everyone who thinks the picture doesn’t work without the story (or tht it really illustrates the story). I just have to say, WOW, I’m amazed that any of you are actually reading my rambling. It’s mostly there for my benefit so that when I look back at this stuff in a year, I know where the shots come from.
Thanx again.
8/10 (from the 1 for 10 group)
Cool shot. The motion is great! Contrast could help, but your face may fade into darkness.
coooll…very dramatic…look at him!!
Score 9/10 (from the 1for10 group).
Score 7/10 (from the 1for10 group).
he’s menacing!!!
Found on 20+ comments
Beautiful shot…
Pity the leg is cut off though..
Found on 20+ comments
a lean, mean and powerful photo. love the energy!
Found on 20+ comments
Score 8/10 (from the 1for10 group).
are these the "mean streets" of Pittsburgh? i may have to tell my friend to be careful in case she runs into you! as for the new thread…i do like the "maverick" shot…but it can be used some other time this year…of course you’ll have to go back and retake the shot. i was so busy commenting on others pics yesterday and then took the family to the local zoo that i FORGOT to take a photo of myself…i’m such a loser…i thought about posting one of the vultures that i took a picture of but they’re so ugly…
flickr poker
Fascinating 365 day series!
This is a fantastic shot. The b/w are so gritty, combined with your expression. I love it.