ChrisMaverick dotcom

on Demon Dogs and Lords of Light…

Originally uploaded by chrismaverick.

Note: This is really just a cross post from Flickr and my 365 days project. But since jameel and I were talking about it in the last post, I decided I should copy it here. I’m wondering, am I (and probably Jameel) the only person who actually knows what a Sun Sword is? And why its not a lightsaber? Blah, now I want to do more superpower pictures. This project is making me lose my mind. For GodMC’s sake will some hot chick come and do a glamour photoshoot with me to bring me back to sanity?

Ok, the fact that I’ve spent the last 3 hours since midnight doing this and I’m so excited about it is just a testament to how geeky I really am at heart. *sigh*

So I actually had this idea about 3 days ago when I was predicting the end of the world in my blog. I didn’t do it then because I wanted to make sure I had the time to really do this right. Unlike my last superhero picture where I changed the concept halfway through, I was dead set on this one being exactly what I wanted.

Anyway, it has become clear to me that if I am to survive, nay to lead, in the post-apocalyptic dystopia the world will clearly fall into any day now, I must be prepared to enter into battle. And to battle effectively I will need a weapon. So just after midnight, I went down to my basement and began to fashion the weapon I have wanted since I was six years old. The Sun Sword.

For the record, though the Sun Sword is clearly similar to(and obviously inspired by) a lightsaber, it is not a lightsaber. It is oh so much infinitely more awesome. I just want to point that out, because putting this picture together took me an extra hour that I spent subtly tweaking the effect so that it looks as it does as opposed to the more solid halo-like glow the lightsaber has.

The fact that I, a grown man, have not only thought about this for more than 10 seconds, but spent 3 hours in the middle of the night working on it, pretty much means that I never deserve to get laid again as long as I live. But somewhere, somewhen, the 6-year-old me is smiling from ear to ear.

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18 comments for “on Demon Dogs and Lords of Light…

  1. September 2, 2006 at 12:59 pm


    1. mav
      September 2, 2006 at 1:30 pm

      you know that sun sword is keyed to only work for one person. you can be the mok.

      pretty fucking cool, huh…

  2. September 2, 2006 at 1:26 pm

    The Sun Sword? Known for making its appearance after a runaway comet hurtles between the earth and the moon?

    1. mav
      September 2, 2006 at 1:28 pm

      runaway planet, actually… As dicussed here.

  3. September 2, 2006 at 2:26 pm

    I must confess that I didn’t remember the sun sword, but Thundarrrrrrrr the (pirate) barbarion rocked!

    1. mav
      September 2, 2006 at 3:37 pm

      How do you remember Thundarr the Barbarian and not remember the Sun Sword? I always thought that was the most memorable part of it. Or did you just really want to boink Ariel the Sorceress so much that you don’t remember anything else?

      1. September 3, 2006 at 1:37 am

        Thundarr’s the man. I really wish that my cable company carried Boomerang.

        1. mav
          September 3, 2006 at 1:39 am

          is it coming on boomerang right now? I think I have boomerang. I should check it out.

  4. September 2, 2006 at 5:07 pm

    I loved Thundar.

    Though I wonder (as per a discussion on ‘s journal not too long ago) if it’s something that’s best viewed through the haze of nostalgia.

    On a separate issue, if you have a sun sword, will you still have to put it down when you defend Okinawa with a sickle?

    1. mav
      September 2, 2006 at 5:13 pm

      I’ve seen it as an adult. Its not as good as you remember it being. But its not as bad as much of a travesty as say Battle of the Planets is when you watch it years later.

      Hmmm… perhaps I need to fashion a Sun Sickle, just in case.

      1. September 2, 2006 at 8:20 pm

        Hmmm… perhaps I need to fashion a Sun Sickle, just in case.

        I am sure your Chinese ancestors would appreciate the gesture.

        1. mav
          September 2, 2006 at 10:03 pm

          because of course, being that I am a racial stereotype, Japanese and Chinese are totally indistinguishable.

          1. September 3, 2006 at 2:17 am

            it may seem that way at first glance but…

            No, I was actually thinking of the Chinese sailors and such who settled in Okinawa during the time that it was an independent kingdom that were highly influential in the development of Karate in it’s early stages.

          2. mav
            September 3, 2006 at 2:47 am

            Re: it may seem that way at first glance but…

            and they were proficient with sun sickles?

          3. September 3, 2006 at 5:32 am

            Re: it may seem that way at first glance but…

            I don’t believe there were sun sickles as this would be pre apocalyptic.

            Though there is a good chance that they would have influenced the development of kama technique.

            Shorin is afterall a Japanese pronounciation of Shaolin.

            I’m sure there were sickle type weapons in various Chinese systems, right now I’m too lazy to go downstairs and look up specifics on specific forms and types of sickles. I am convinced though that some of these weapons were designed by people who woke up in seriously bad moods.

          4. mav
            September 3, 2006 at 3:57 pm

            Re: it may seem that way at first glance but…

            So if you’re too lazy to go look into the book, how do you know that early Okinawan farmers didn’t tend to the crops with sun swords?

  5. September 3, 2006 at 7:05 pm


    You know you want to drop the whole sun sword thing and get one of these.

    1. mav
      September 3, 2006 at 7:07 pm

      Re: pah

      It looks like Ed Asner.

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