Day 39 of 365 days.
And when it rains it pours. Just when I was getting ready to work on the day 38 picture, my computer crashed. I had to reboot it for a software update and when it came back up, it… well, didn’t come back up. I’m guessing its a logicboard problem, because that’s probably what broke the built in web-cam a couple days ago. I was putting off getting it fixed, but now I guess I have no choice. Sigh…perhaps I shall go cry like a little baby.
good luck!!!
dont fix with another logicboard…
Oh, I’ve had this happen. Hold down Command-Option-P-R and power up. Hold those keys down until you hear the second gong, then let go. Good luck!
ooh, i hope that macaddict has a solution for you… otherwise, you can cry along with me, sascha and many others here who have had things breaking on us lately…sigh. GOOD LUCK!
Oh mav, my computer is on the way out, too. I feel your pain.
@srfutbol: thanx
@macaddict: dude! that worked. Thanx. Actually when the isight started failing a couple days ago, zapping the was the first thing I tried and it didn’t work. So I called apple care and they had me do the same thing, then they had me reset the PMU. And when neither of those helped they said maybe I had a minor logic board problem and I should send it in whenever I got the chance, but I didn’t want to send it just for a dead webcam. So when it crashed, I just kinda assumed that it was the logic board and it never even occured to me try zapping the PRAM a third time. I was more concerned with getting it in Target Disk Mode for a backup.
Anyway, zapping it a third time did in fact fix it, and even fixed the the iSight. Blah. I blame all of this on intel!
Anyway, thanx a lot.
@pi c’s: thanx. remember, I already had to replace my cell phone this week. My new phone is pretty snazzy though.
@Culotte Folle: The thing is, its not on its way out. Its brand new. They’ve only even made this model for a few months, and I ordered it the day it came out.
ugh that sucks… mine’s been acting funny lately and i am praying for her… looks like yours might just be experiencing the matrix though…
sorry pookie.