Initially, I had another idea for today. An original one, not a copy cat, but then I got all wrapped up in dealing with an issue on my blog. For those who don’t know, I’m a pretty avid blogger, and I write about a whole bunch of things, from my admittedly distorted view of reality and society. Anyway, today, my county decide to ban smoking in all restaurants and bars, and that set off a many uproar and I decided I had to address it for the benefit of my readership. Anyway, no matter where you fall on the issue, I invite you to please head over to my blog and share your feelings on it as I am always looking to both debate and learn from the opinions of others. And hey, if you want friend me, or bookmark me over on LJ or whatever, that’d be great, I talk about a great many things, and I love hearing from other people about their opinions on them. I so wish I could just be a professional blogger. I really think I’m better at that than I am at pretty much anything else.
Anyway, after answering everyone’s comments on my little rant, I decided that my mind was better served decompressing and reading some of my weekly comics rather than spending the time before my Wednesday night poker game fighting with photoshop over an in depth idea I had, so instead that’s what I did and I decided to use this opportunity to copy cat Stephen Poff’s comic book reading picture. I read Civil War #4 last week, so instead my picture is of me reading Ultimates 2 #12. If you like comics and you’re not reading the Ultimates, you should be. It based in Marvel’s Ultimate Universe, and features alternate versions of the Mighty Avengers. This issue is fairly deep into the current story arc, but I highly recommend the trade paperback collections of the earlier issues. Its very much in the "mature readers" camp, but I find it quite innovative from a story telling point of view and a on par with what "The Authority" used to be.
well, i’m not a comic book fan myself and i don’t blog….didn’t even know what it was til recently ;-P and i’m still learning all the emoticons and such…. oh well. as for the smoking ban in your county…here’s how i feel about it. it should be up to the owners, not the state or county. it’s still allowed in bars in baltimore and in designated areas of restaurants that HAVE bars available. however, there are a few bars/restaurants that have just said no. i think THAT is the way it should be…i choose to smoke when i go out to drink and i don’t want to be told I can’t. I occassionally, though it’s rare, do go to the few bars that don’t allow it and i step outside. i was surprised when NYC went along with the whole thing…but I’ll tell you the one time I appreciated it…was when i was pregnant in NYC and went to see a friends band perform…THEN i didn’t want to be in a smoky bar…not only wasn’t i smoking but i clearly wasn’t drinking either. so…sorry i didn’t post my comments in your blog…but this is where you "know" and i prefer to keep my addictions limited to flickr at the moment….next stop PHOTOSHOP!
I have no idea why captain america figures so prominently on the cover. He has no superpower and ya… That shield…
My fav marvel superhero has to be silver surfer.
@pi c’s: That’s fine. Thank you for taking the time to read it. And are you actually getting Photoshop soon? Very exciting!
@azlijamil: He’s the leader of the Ultimates and very much a bad ass in that universe.
Cap rocks in any universe
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: yep. I liove the different take on him they use in Ultimates. It shows a different way the character could have gone, while not really changing who he basically is.