Day 86 of 365 days.
This project is great in many ways and very tiring in many ways. The nice thing is that I am learning a lot and I really think Im growing as a photographer. The bad part is that it gets very monotonous just working with myself as a model all of the time. Today I had the opportunity to work with someone else. My friend Lisa wanted some photos done, and I had been wanting to take more shots of her ever since I photographed her and her band a couple months ago. Plus it was going to give me a chance to really break in my new lights. So some classic rock, some new wave, a couple screwdrivers, some shots and 4 beers later(you have your way of being creative and artistic, I have mine) and Lisa and I had produced 394 photos of her.
Now comes the hardest part. Culling them down. The 365 project is about concept. So sometimes I just decide that a picture is good enough. And I’m only ever looking for one good picture so I have to take fewer. Even still, for a given day I may take 10-20 shots to get the picture I want. Maybe even 40. So now I have to narrow down Lisa’s 364 shots to a respectable set. I’m down to 69. It could be a while.
And I haven’t even started post yet.
Edit: Lisa’s final photoset is here. I’d love comments on what people like and don’t.
Intriguing photo, I know what you mean in regards to this project being tiring and yet growing as a photographer at the same time. Looking forward to seeing the fruits of this session.
well, its now posted, so go on and check it out and let me know what you think.
yeah! it’s nice to know that you were able to get some practice with someone else. I think that photographing other people…besides myself and the little guy, has actually gotten harder with this project…and taking sp’s has gotten much easier than it used to be…though i, of course, still have my struggles!
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Artist and model, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group. Thanks!