Day 110 of 365 days.
Today, I am 30% of the way through this project. In some ways it feels like I just started and in other ways it feels like I’ve always been doing this. Wanted to play with something different today, so I opted to see what I could do with my new Sigma 70-300mm f:4-5.6 zoom lens. I’ve had it for a bit now, but I haven’t had good cause to use it. I also have a new remote for my camera and of course the lights. So I decided to experiment with some different lighting setups and a very wide lens setting. This is what I came up with. It took me a long while to decide whether I wanted to present the finished picture in color or black and white. I ultimately chose b&w after a little bit of swaying from Steph who liked the shadows in b&w better.
Oh, and the thing I’m doing with my fingers is the "West Side" sign I flash the fans when I wrestle. Kind of a trademark of mine.
I like this one. The shadow on your face ties all the attitude together.
I like the negative use of space… I would have like to see less shadow on your expression… but still great regardless.
365 Days
Cool tradmark.
Seen on the Web. (?)
Thumbs Up! from Flickr Smileys
Seen in Flickr Smileys (?)
ultimately you chose color?
thanx, everyone.
I’m amused by the way Jack and Jim had exactly opposite reqctions to the shadow.
@gina: oops… ultimately I chose B&W. Fixed.
yep, i like the shadow on your face 🙂
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Wessssside, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
@Bombass: added. thankyou