Day 136 of 365 days.
So even in these dark days post Steelers loss to the Ravens, there must still be a Christmas. Spent the day with Steph’s family celebrating. I actually thought of taking a picture while opening presents, but I just never got around to setting up the tripod. Too much work. So instead I decided to go back to taking shots in the basement studio.
Tomorrow it’s back to work. Only four days left at my job and then its back to the world of the unemployed til the next job comes along. Wonder if the self-portraits will get better or worse then.
Also, I need to shave. But hey, at least it works for the Santa thing
:)) cute mav… as if to say "whaddaya do?!" 🙂
yep, ditto jessie 😉 and i like the beard…i say, go for the beard and fro while you’re out of work….have fun with your hair, do fun stuff that doesn’t cost a lot of money…take lots of photos and just enjoy the time you have before you go back to the working world 😉
merry christmas!
thanx guys.
I actualy don’t grow a very full beard. There are patches that just don’t grow right, and I find it gets quite itchy pretty fast. I’m generally much happier sticking to my goatee and maybe some stubble.
🙂 Lovely Chris..
Cute shot…..and all I can say about the Steelers is….HaHa!!!
that’s a really good shot of you, but whether it’s the beard or the expression is difficult to say.