Day 163 of 365 days.
Ok, this will probably be the geekiest thing I ever do in this 365 day project.
I spent a lot of time playing video games yesterday, and I started thinking "I haven’t done a big massive photoshoppy picture in a while. I’ll have to do one soon." Then I went back to my game, Marvel Super Heroes Ultimate Alliance. While playing I started thinking, "I haven’t done a superhero pic in a while either. Maybe that’s what I’ll photoshop." Then the idea hit me. You see, the fun of the game is that a bunch of superheroes who don’t normally interact get to be in the game at the same time. It reminded me of a comic book that came out when I was a kid. Secret Wars. Really, Secret Wars is kind of a crappy read, but as a kid, I loved it. While not the first comic I read, It may very well be the book that made me a lifetime comic book fan. And there I decided that a great pic would be to recreate the cover but adding me to it. Then I thought, why add myself to the cover? Why not completely recreate the cover and I’ll be every character?
I don’t think I’ll ever think that again.
I knew it would take quite a while to get this done, but I didn’t want to break the 365 rules, so I gathered up a bunch of outfits, and waited til midnight. As soon as it was midnight I went downstairs and started snapping pictures. It took 120 shots to get all 16 poses I needed. Then I spent several hours compositing them together. I told myself I’d just do a little and get some sleep around 4am. No such luck. I finally laid down and took a nap at 6am. Woke up at 9 and went right back to work. Luckily, I didn’t have anything else to do today except watch the AFC and NFC championship games (which I am totally capable of doing while photoshopping). So starting at midnight and ending around 10:30, I present to you, the most extensive cloning shot I have ever attempted.
I hope you don’t mind when tomorrow I take a picture of my toe with my camera phone.
EDIT: Oh yeah, if this doesn’t make explore, then I think I quit. 🙂
the original, for the non comic geeks:
That’s it. The internet is over. We can all throw our computers away now. It doesn’t get any better than this.
I love it and I’m so jealous that you can photoshop like that 🙂 One question…outfits?
Holy crap dude!!! That was seriously ambitious. Not bad at all for a one day project. I’m impressed by both your nerdiness and dedication. :oD
Seen on my Flickr home page. (?)
Stan "The Man" Lee would be so proud! Nice job! But aren’t you jumping ahead of the storyline by putting Spidey in the black suit? 😉
Holy crap, Mav! This is so incredible. I’m impressed that you managed to continue working on it all freaking day… there’s no way I’d have been able to. Awesome, awesome job.
Holy Clone Batman! I cannot believe you did that! I had a clone idea for my 100th day (which was today) but realized that A) it would have been as time consuming as your project and B) it’s probably not the best idea to have a very complicated first clone picture. So I came up with something simple instead. Still I may take a picture of my big toe tomorrow…at least you have a valid reason for doing so. I have no excuse.
Great work, Mav.
Lovin’ this group!
Now this is dedication.
You always impress.
Awesome! ‘Nuff said.
Chris, this is freakin’ amazing! Wow!
Lately I’ve been puting little to no effort into my shots.
Go Colts!!
Haha. Great shot Chris. I saw it and immediately knew what it was being the huge comic book geek. Loving it. Blows my Spidey photo from the weekend out of the water lol.
Next I challenge you to recreate the Alex Ross Crisis on Infinite Earths poster. You know the one – every DC hero ever created lol. OK so I’ll accept a picture of your big toe with a camera phone instead….
geekiest? whatever….most creative, absolutely!!! massive post production, massive amount of time…and just super cool…really showing off in this shot, and a tribute to one of your favorite things in life…comic books!!
d00d… I’m speechless. This is like my favorite one of yours EVER. It just typifies "mav" ness… both in attitude and execution…. portfolio-worthy.
bwahahahahahaha! That’s AWESOME!!!
Wow!! This is beyond words! So awesome!
This is awesome……….nice comicbook!!
I bow down to your superior dedication and mad skillz, Mav.
This is so awesome…incredible idea and so well done!!
Had to fav it.
You are the King of Geekdom, man. 😉
Sheer awesometasticalosity.
Seen in 365 Days (?)
wow this picture is unbelievably amazing!!!
and to think I’ve never worked on a picture for more than an hour in photoshop 🙂
Absolutely amazing! An instant fave!
Ok this is like the coolest geek thing ever!!!
Holy Moly! I’m seriously jealous…….
I was going to do something like this but only with one hero. What a slacker I am……
Amazing. You really do have superpowers.
how the hell did you post the other one and disable comments?? that could come in handy on my stream 🙂
L-O-V-E this… except for some reason your spiderman reminds me more of that character samuel l jackson played in unbreakable 🙂
Thank you, all. I’m glad you all liked it, Makes the time it took to create it feel worth it.
@Sandman5: I actually have the regular black suit t-shirt, and a red suit baseball jersey (sorta like the cap football one I’m wearing) but i wanted the characters to be very me, not just the heroes they represent, and that just felt right. I’m also wearing the War Machine armor instead of Iron Man armor.
@AJ: I actually made a joke just after I posted this that I wanted to see someone do the Crisis 7, death of supergirl cover.
@Jill: I dunno about portfolio worthy. But it was fun to do.
@Jessie: Edit the privacy settings for the phot, and "Show All privacy settings" and you can change them.
Mav: Haha. Well if our paths should ever cross lets go for the Crisis 7 look. Of course it’d have to be death of Superboy instead…Get all the 365ers to send in a photo with heads bowed for the background. One massive photoshopping exercise later….
Ummm. On second thought maybe not. But yeah you’ve got my head inspired to do something comic book related in costume this time lol…
Hah! Cool.
OH MY GOD… MAV… it’s time you get a new job. I wish i had time to play around like this. LOL, GREAT just awesome, electric fuckin brilliant, super-special. Damn is that good. AND funny and wow!
The wolf guy is my fav – LOVE the hair
This is great. Can’t stop laughing. In a good way. 🙂
this is amazing. I loved the original Secret Wars.
This is amazing, your committment and effort are TOPS. Very well done indeed.
This is the best thing ever.
Being a comic book geek I can appreciate this. Great job!
I agree with jack’s comment waaaaay up there.
Thanks everyone.
@AJ: I keep looking at your comment and considering it. Then I want to shoot myself. 🙂
@ Chris – which one? The Alex Ross Crisis poster? Or the big ol’ Crisis 7 shot?
* pulls out Superman t-shirt *
I meant the Crisis 7. But either one would be insane.
Oh. My. God.
Or as the Beast would say " Oh my Stars and Garters ".
ok that was just great…made my day
You Rock!!!! I think my favorite is Wasp. LOL Awesome job!
I’m almost stunned (in a good way) into silence … but anyone who knows me will know that it won’t last long! So ….
I’m am in awe of your work .. it is amazing! Fantastic job
Ohh …. and did it make explore?!
Thanks to everyone.
@Pommykiwi: It bounces in and out of explore. Right now it is in at #42. It’s highest was #14.
LOL…. oh, dude. DUDE. I hope this isn’t creepy or anything, but seriously, I could just hug you. You are the coolest.
So, I’m a complete newbie to flickr … what’s the 365 Project? Do you take and post a picture of yourself every day for a year?
@kl_moore: yes, that’s the basics of it… go to the 365 Days Group for more details. Good luck.
absolutely amazing.
@Grateful Clem: Thank you.
Damn. Wow. Damn. =)
@Kung Fu Grip! Zine: I hope that’s good. 🙂 Thank you.
Okay, I’ve been away for a while and totally missed this day. This is the greatest thing EVER!! LOL… I love it! My favorite part is how you got your hair shaped like Wolverine’s. CLASSIC!!
@Stephen Poff: hah! Thanx. I was wondering if you’d ever come back to the land of flickr.
this is amazing! best clone job ever.
@Elimare: thank you
This is so damn cool. I was going to try and matte myself onto one of the Ultimates, but chickened out. After seeing this I may have to try. So damn cool. And in case I forgot to say; so damn cool.
@angelinawb: you should go for it. I’m glad you like this. Thank you.
I love this!! Great job!
@Denis Ryan: thank you.
You rule! It’s faultless!!
@fengschwing: thank you. A lot of people are finding this today? Where are you all coming from?
Ah, well Angelina is my wife, she pointed it out to me!
@fengschwing: and she and Denis Ryan were a coincidence then? No worries, btw. I’m just wondering if I got linked anywhere cool, that’s all.
It’s all cool baby!
I think we’ll both be having a go at something similar ourselves now!
And I found it while looking through the 52 Weeks pool. As a comics fan, it jumped right out at me. Humourously, it was fengschwing that tipped me off to that pool in the first place!!
@fengschwing and @Denis Ryan: well, thank you to you both.
Chris, thank you. I come home from a crappy day at work, see this pic and I’m smiling again, cheers!
@fengschwing: glad I can be of any help.
I don’t know where to begin.
Seen in your Explored set. (?)
@alaskanmariner: I take it that’s a good thing. Thank you.
@ElDave: thank you. Glad you like it.
just thought youd like to know a little fun fact
i typed in "spider man" in the search bar, and this was the number 10 image that came up. there you have it.
@Doug Schwarz: cool! Of course it would be cooler if I were #1. But still cool.
Secret Wars was just coming out when I first got started in comics as a kid. Great memories! Thanks for your hard work.
@GabrielliPro: yeah, it was one of the earliest books from when I first started seriously reading too. Thank you for the comment.
That’s great. Time to do a DC cover now. 🙂
@frelling_cute: Thanks. But, if I were going to do one for DC, it would have to be Crisis on Infinite Earths #7, and I just don’t have that kind of patience.
Now THAT’S off the friggin’ chain, Maverick. There were 2 characters missing Power Man (Luke Cage) and Bishop (21st century X-men). That would’ve been even sweeter.
@313 Arts and Photography: Thank yo. It’s based on the cover to Secret Wars #1. Luke Cage wasn’t in it and Bishop hadn’t been invented yet.
I stand corrected about Bishop not being in Secret Wars-like you said, he hasn’t been created yet-but Power Man (II) should’ve been in it, though.
@313 Arts and Photography: he wasn’t in it either. Cage was a relative nobody at the time. He was teamed with Iron FIst, but had not yet become anywhere near as popular a character as he is today.
True. But he was ahead of his time, U gotta admit that. Hard 2 believe he’s been around for over 35 years (there were other black heroes before him, but I beleive he was the 1st black superhero 2 have his own book). I agree that when he teamed up with Iron Fist, He still wasn’t as popular as he is today. I’m surprised his book lasted as long as it did (1972-1986). I believe Weather Report lasted slightly longer (if you’re a jazz fusion fan like myself).
@nexus_icon: thank you
this is awsome
@[J4CK]: thank you.
lmao nice photograph. 🙂
i just started learning how to use photoshop and cloning
@gabkicks: thank you. Glad you like it. Its a lot of work to get to this point.
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Flickr "BEST" Creative & Unique Collages, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
Flickr "BEST"
Creative & Unique Collages
"We’ve Got The World In A Frame"
5 Stars of Excellence Award
"Our Stars Shine All Over The World"
@Shu’Atum-Ra: sorry, I’m not interested in adding my pics to private groups.
This is the freakin bomb! I love you as the wasp LOL!
I’m an admin for a group called Supermanipulation, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
@dmh2k7: its in enough groups already, but thanks.
This pic is a beast! Great Work! thank you. Glad you like it.
lol this is great
@Mr Puma :D: thanks.
Marvellous! ;D
@Topok: heh… thanks.
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Super Dorks, and we’d love to have this added to the group!
This is Pro!
I think you should print this out and send it to people as your x-mas card.
@camtron.brooks: eh… I don’t know that its very Christmasy. But thanks.
Oh. My. God.
You are truly my hero thanks for this nice pro job
This is frigging brilliant! A+ sir!
Come Vote! You seem like you would have a good argument /in/photostr…
I am Jack’s Sense of Complete and Utter Awe.
But I’d like to challenge you to the next level. My comic reading really began with the miniseries that was the precursor to this one (and I think also Marvel’s first limited series?), Contest of Champions. If you can re-create the cover of that series’ #1, you win. Everything :o)
Brilliant work! keep it up!