ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: February 2007


Day 201 of 365 days. I’ve had this idea since maybe the first or second week I started this project. I just never got around to doing it before. I think I even mentioned to TravelinJim on a pic of his that I had a cool long exposure idea. Well, since I’m going to be…


Day 200 of 365 days. How much a part of my life has this project become? This is day 200 and I didn’t even realize that til I was posting. So I didn’t think to plan anything special or huge or vainglorious. It was just another day in my life and I took a picture…

on poetry and perviness…

How Do You Make Love to a Black Woman? I wonder if this painting has a real nameHaven’t been writing much here lately. I’ve been preocuppied with my 365 Days project (available through the feed at 365mav). But I saw something on the news today that made me want to rant a little. So, apparently…


Day 199 of 365 days. There was actually a lot I wanted to get around to doing today. Working on some photo editting. Working on my paper for the conference. Playing some quality video games. Didn’t really get to any of that. Instead, I spent the day doing phone interviews for a couple different jobs.…


Day 198 of 365 days. A black man, a white man, a filipino man and a japanese man walk into a porn store… That’s not really a dirty joke. But it is the end to my very long day. Got up early to drive to a wrestling show 4 hours away with fellow wrestlers, Sterling…


Day 197 of 365 days. Gotta love technology. Went to a violin recital with Steph and her family to see her nephew play. At the risk of sounding like an ass, let me say what the biggest problem with kids recitals is. They’re not really that good. I mean sure some of the kids are…


Day 196 of 365 days. Introducing the NEW Black Diamond Wrestling tag team champions! (Affirmative Action: Brandon X and the Notorious M.A.V., pictured here with our manager Johnny Matthews) Went to Brilliant, Ohio for a wrestling show today. Competed in a Tower of Terror match. Maybe one of the stupidest things I’ve ever done. Basic…


Day 195 of 365 days. I got home very late last night from that old lady’s house that I mentioned yesterday. I wish someone had warned me about her. She wanted to do unspeakable things. Just unspeakable! Anyway, it was another productive day for FUNemployed Mav. I talked to a couple different recruiters about jobs.…



Stephanie was good enough to pose for me in her underwear a second week in a row for my Class with Dave assignment so long as I kept it PG-13. The assignment of course, was to take a picture representing blue. This was the best idea I could think of. Two weeks, two color cutouts. Go go gadget cliché!


Day 194 of 365 days. Today, Steph took me for a walk in the middle of the forest and tried to leave me there. Usually, when she does this I leave a trail of pebbles so I can find my way back. But I was all out this time. So I left a trail of…

Gina Silhouette

Gina Silhouette

Did a photo shoot with my nine month pregnant friend Gina the other day. I haven’t edited most of the photos yet (I’m still working on editing the pics from the shoot before it) but I wanted to use this one for Class with Dave.

Anyway, Gina wanted nice artsy pictures of herself while pregnant. And since the baby is due any day now, it seemed like we should get them done sooner rather than later.

The class with Dave assignment was to create a backlit silhouette. And Gina wanted one anyway, it all worked out perfectly.