Day 179 of 365 days.
It was yet another long day filled with mental anguish and depression. A day of constant reevaluation of my life and the choices I’ve made and hoping that it gets better but fearing it won’t. A day of self-doubt. Really I hope I get past that soon. In any case on some days you just don’t feel like facing the world. Or at least I don’t. Today is one of those days. The fact that I’m depressed isn’t the surprising thing. That actually happens a lot. I’m used to it. What’s surprising is that I’ve gone 179 days and this is the first time I’ve thought to take a shot of my back.
Ugh, I really need to get the parts to fix my weight station so I can do back work. I look awful.
Maybe ‘awful for where you once were, but a lot of folks would be quite happy with that back. Hope things clear up for you and the future is brighter and all the insiprational stuff…. :o)
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
I tried taking a pic of my back one day- it was strange. I think it’s because it’s not an angle we’re used to seeing ourselves from. I know that I was sure that that back in my picture HAD to belong to someone else. Anyway, I’m just trying to say that when you’re depressed- looking at yourself from such an "alien" angle may not help. And your back’s not all that bad.
Eh… its not as nice as it looks… like with every shot I take, I’m really good with using light and photoshop. And even then I can still see fat and lack of tone.
yes, i’m gonna have to agree with slm…your back looks just fine!!
we all have those days occassionally mav, you know it’ll pass. tomorrow will be a brighter day.
i bet you thought of photographing your back when you realized that there were photo ops of yourself that you’d made it 175+ days without ever trying…like my eye shot (even though it was the 2nd one) for yesterday. i’ll have to sift through my collection of 365’s and compare it to my regular sp set (or 365 rejects!) and try to redo some that i didn’t use already 😀
Shouldn’t take long to get your back back into shape once you start working on it.
Mav, I can totally understand the depression stuff with reevaluating choices and stuff. I’m kinda going through that right now. Yeah, I have a job. Don’t much like it. Really miss my old one. blah blah blah ad nauseum.
Things’ll get better. I’m sure they must. For you and for me. Hang in there.
Yo, Chris, I wouldn’t worry so much about your physical self–only insofar as it’s a manifestation of how you are feeling about yourself INSIDE. From the brief view, I’ve taken of your photography, it is striking graphically and self-revealing in a way that allows others to see themselves in you, As well, your verbal commentary is thought-provoking so, for now, I’ll get back to work on my own stuff with thanks to you.
Thanx everyone. I’ll get there. The self-acceptance is slow… but its getting better.