Day 183 of 365 days.
Half of 365 is 182.5. That means that today is the first day of the second six months of this project.
Looking back on day one of this project and the week that followed and moving on to where I am now, I really do think that I’ve grown as a photographer. I’ll grant that i have a long way to go. But I am looking forward to seeing what I’ve done after another six months.
I originally got into photography as kind of a tool towards doing photoshop art. But as I experimented with it I started learning that I really liked it more than painting and drawing. I don’t know why. It’s certainly not a sense of truth, given the amount of manipulation of lights, and pixels I do on any given image. Its just somehow as a tool, I really like the camera.
I’m happy I started this whole project. I personally feel that in the last 183 days, I’ve grown by leaps and bounds as a photographer. This project has made me start thinking about different ways of doing so many things that I never even imagined.
When I first started this, I was afraid that I was going to just get lazy and miss days. I joked about having a whole bunch of 11:59 camera phone shots. I’m now more than halfway through and I haven’t had a single one yet. And the simple thought of missing a day is totally inconceivable. I’m quite certain at this point that I’ll not be able to stop at 365. I wonder if I’ll be taking a self portrait every day for the rest of my life.
Eagle eyed viewers will note that this is essentially the same shot as yesterday’s. Just unclothed. I had the idea a while back based on a coffee table book I got called 30 Porn-Star Portraits, where they show the actor/actress in their regular clothes on one page juxtaposed with the same pose nude on the next. I felt it would be fitting to kind of split the middle of the project this way. If I were really cool, I’d spend the rest of the project recreating the first 182 days in reverse order. But I think one is fine.
Its weird having my self-portrait done early in the day and not having to worry about it. That won’t happen often.
I’m such an eagle-eyed viewer. This is very, very cool. Together, they are awesome.
And I feel special. 😀
Interesting idea, Mav. Here’s to the second half.
Seen on my Flickr home page. (?)
That’s a really great photo! Impressive.
Congratulations on a really good half-way photo, and for reaching the half-way point! Excellent lighting, BTW.
365 Days
*giggles* your nekkid!
Seriously… How inspiring to hear you’ve made it this far! This project has been such a positive and amazing experience for me. I thank you for that and all the hard work you do in running this thing 🙂
Cool shot, too. Perfect for the milestone.
A great self and… a great meaning in that photo!
what a great idea. not sure that i’ll copy it, given my lack of good lighting, etc…but YOU did a fantastic job!!!!
And as I said about yesterdays photo…you ROCK! Thanks for not only starting the group, but sticking with it and helping the rest of us 😀
Way to go Mav! Of course, like you’ve mentioned, this isn’t really the halfway mark of anything since you may very well be taking daily pictures for the rest of your life.
But, it is the halfway mark for the first part of that journey. Great job! Not only have you grown as a photographer, but you’re inspired so many others to do the same thing. That’s called leadership and that’s a pretty awesome thing.
ha, i’m getting ready to do my 365 shot so i can have the rest of the day free…
and this is nice, btw.
I love the way you did this. Well done.
So does this mean the second half will be all naked SPs?
Congrats on the half-way point. Very exciting! You’ve got a ton of great SPs so far.
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
Congrats on getting halfway! Cool shot too!
The two photos work together very well! May I humbly suggest you add them to this old Mini-challenge?
Also glad you started the project and brought the other 3000 of us along.
Congrats and good luck with the second half of this project.
Good, strong photo!
Congrats on starting this group.
Whether you’re 1/2 way thru this project, or just at a stage in the larger scheme of life, best to ya!
Seen in "Ourselves"
that’s all I got to say! 😉
Yeah, you’re not stopping at 365 days.
thanx everyone. Glad you liked it.
@jessi.: Yeah, unfortunately, based on the views most people are only looking at the naked one. But hey, I’m just glad people think I’m hot enough to bother.
@Reluctant Suburbanite: Yep, I am! I actually have been in several shots. It’s just more noticable in this one than most.
@Travelinjim: Thanx. That’s actually extremelly nice of you to say. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I’m actually quite proud of that.
@d.rex: Well, I’ll have to be clothed in all the ones I was already naked in. 🙂
@PhotoKat: Woohoo! I’m hot! *blush*
Nicely done, Mav! Good tones, perfect contrast to, um, obscure.
I took all my possible Day 183s late, and did not stay up later to post-process and choose.
Excellent pairing, and I love the dark background on both, the lighting is soo nice.
Good luck with the next half.
Seen in a discussion of 365 Days. (?)
And yay! You know I love naked. 😉
congrats on hitting the halfway mark! and thanks for creating such a wonderful group.
I really like this pair of photos….great idea.
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
Thank you, all.
Very nice photo and effects. next time we head to pittsburgh it would be nice to meet you
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Leaving Something For the Imagination, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
very cool idea I may have to do something similar when I get to 182.5
(although personally I don’t think anyone wants to see a naked me on here LOL)