Day 281 of 365 days.
Basically took it easy today. Spent the morning editing pics from Thursday’s photoshoot (there should be some posted soon) and then took a nice long hot tub soak. That did wonders for my back. I’m still hurting a bit, but it really is much better. I’ll say it again, if you don’t have a hot tub, run out and get one. Seriously.
Then Steph and I went to dinner with friends of hers and spent the evening playing video games. A good time was had by all. Tomorrow another photoshoot. And then there’s one on Monday as well. I’m going to be falling behind in photo editting. But hey, its nice to be busy.
In closing, please go vote in my sexiest women poll. Only a couple days left til I have to close the polling, and yes I am going to keep asking until everyone does. I was really hoping to get 100 ballots this time. But I’ll be happy if I can get 50.
Also, I need a shave.
Doncha hate itchy neck? I like that there’s the slightest hint of your left ear in the shadow.
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
@Sick Little Monkey: yeah, its definitely being cleaned up tomorrow morning.