Day 287 of 365 days.
Are we noticing a pattern yet for days where I do a photoshoot and don’t have a good idea?
I actually had a pretty productive day. Got some photos editted. Finished chemical balancing my pool. And then did a photoshoot with Amaya, a model I met on MM and a very cool person to boot. We didn’t get to do her tarot card, because she didn’t have the right stuff, but we did have a nice shoot in any case and made plans to do another.
And as per my total laziness in situations like this, she was nice enough to pose with me for my daily shot. What? Yes of course I’m in the shot!
Might that be a t-shirt hell shirt you’re wearing?
@LoveNugget: yeah. a lot of my silly t-shirts are.
I thought so! I have a bunch of their shirts too.
Where are you? Is that floating text by her sexy legs on a shirt you’re wearing? Oh wait! There you are!
I actually totally dig the processing on this, the composition, the everything. Well fucking done sir. Especially in the details.
Silly boy 😉
i just thought these were your recent ideas to be in the shots with your newly found models 😉
@LoveNugget: yeah, I’m quite fond of them. My fiancee hates them though.
@Jack Scoresby: Yeah, its a slight modification of teh technique I’ve been using on the staff cards that I like so much. 365 is great for experimenting with those kinds of things.
@lrayholly: what?
@pi c’s: nah, I had a hard time coming up with something, really.
Excellent, especially for a "I have no idea" pickup shot. Your expression is perfect.
[seen in 365]
@λογοπαρενθήτηϛ (logo, etc.): thank you