Amaya had this crazy notion of working with something like 1,642,334,563,434,278 photographers in 48 hours during her roadtrip. I was the absolute last on the list. She was dead tired by the time she got to me, but I’m still pretty pleased with how the pics turned out.
Little known fact. I like china dresses. Almost as much as I like school girl outfits. I have a problem… I know.
Does this mean you’re going to dress in one for your next 365 like you did in the school girl outfit? Pleeeease?
Oh yeah, she’s cute. I love the pale skin of her leg peeking out with the black background, very nice.
@Kungfukitten: not really my thing, but I guess you never know. 🙂
Yes, this one is great! Love the coy look on her face!
@Turbo3G: yeah, she does that look well, really. I think it works for her.
no problem with liking those dresses…i do too 🙂
this one works for her b/c she’s so small !
@pi c’s: yeah, she’s positively tiny, actually.
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Qipao & Cheongsam, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
@felicia cordalis: thank you. I have added it.