ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: May 2007

Amaya bench 2

Amaya bench 2

Every once in a while its nice to get out of the studio. Amaya and I went to West Virginia’s Spruce Knob state park to do a photoshoot this week. These are some shots from that fun filled day.

Amaya reclined

Amaya reclined

Every once in a while its nice to get out of the studio. Amaya and I went to West Virginia’s Spruce Knob state park to do a photoshoot this week. These are some shots from that fun filled day.


Day 291 of 365 days. Splash! So to all appearances my life is maybe not so bad. I’ve said before, I get to spend most of my days doing photography, which is a hell of a lot better than whatever most people do for a living. On top of that, most of my photography consists…


Day 290 of 365 days. Today was tarot card processing day. That’s pretty much what I did all day. I now have 20 cards done in the Maverick Tarot set. I wanted to see what the cards will ultimately look like so I printed them out on my inkjet. Now I need to buy more…



It’s been a tarot filled day. This is the last card I have completed (and shot for that matter) and since I don’t yet have any shoots scheduled this week (that may change) this may be the last one for a while.

This is also the first time in the deck that I have resorted to using stock footage. I have been against it for the most part, preferring to only use my own images, but I don’t seem to have a way of getting far enough out into the atmosphere to get a decent earth picture, so I was forced to rely on NASA to do it for me. The image is of course public domain. But still, it would have been nice to only use my own images. I suppose I could have left the background empty on this card, but I kind of felt like the four astronomy cards (World, Moon, Sun, Star) worked better with mild backgound elements. So the compromise is there.

Six of Swords

Six of Swords

I’m much happier with this card than the last one I did. It turned out exactly how I had originally envisioned it. My only real worry being if its too hokey having a rifle with bayonet as a sword. If I have a complaint, it’s that the gun is SO big that I had to be farther away from him than I really wanted to be. That might be ok.

Anyway, comments welcome and more to come.

X-Wheel of Fortune – alternate

X-Wheel of Fortune - alternate

Another day, another Tarot card. I’m not totally sure how I feel about this one. It just doesn’t feel right to me. I think mostly I’m not happy with my lighting job this time and I think the concept might have been too literal and obvious almost campy. I don’t know. This may be one that I have to reshoot or come up with a different concept for. It just doesn’t feel right to me right now.

Would love to hear opinions and comments.


Day 289 of 365 days. Look, its a rare look into Mav’s daily life, shot. I remember when i used to do these all the time. No it’s once a week at best. Went to a "Day Before Memorial Day BBQ." Had a good time sitting on the porch and talking about a multitude of…


Day 288 of 365 days. And I sank into a depression so deep I crawled into a bottle of vodka and didn’t come out for 6 years. Ok, not really. Actually, I feel pretty ok today, but I thought of this shot when I was depressed and drinking vodka a week or so ago. Just…

Amaya portrait

Amaya portrait

Amaya had this crazy notion of working with something like 1,642,334,563,434,278 photographers in 48 hours during her roadtrip. I was the absolute last on the list. She was dead tired by the time she got to me, but I’m still pretty pleased with how the pics turned out.


Day 287 of 365 days. Are we noticing a pattern yet for days where I do a photoshoot and don’t have a good idea? I actually had a pretty productive day. Got some photos editted. Finished chemical balancing my pool. And then did a photoshoot with Amaya, a model I met on MM and a…