ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: May 2007


Day 277 of 365 days. You know what’s great about being a bum (errr, starving artist)? Sometimes you can just chuck all your responsibilities for the day and spend the entire afternoon sitting on a barstool, drinking beer and talking shit with a friend. Granted, my "responsibilities" for the day were limited to working on…

on the sexiest women alive (2007)…

5-14-07 Originally uploaded by chrismaverick. About a year ago, I was having a conversation with people about the annual sexiest women/men alive surveys that a lot of magazines do. . I decided to run my own version of the contest on my blog. I gave people one week to vote on who they believe the…


Day 276 of 365 days. About a year ago, I was having a conversation with people about the annual sexiest women/men alive surveys that a lot of magazines do. I decided to run my own version of the contest on my blog. I gave people one week to vote on who they believe the top…


Day 275 of 365 days. How in the name of all that is good and holy did people mow lawns before they invented hot tubs? I stayed up late last night working on my most recent tarot card.. I didn’t really intend to work on it all night, but once I got on a roll,…



Another tarot card complete. This time my friend Jameel was nice enough to pose for it. You know, when I started this, I really expected the nude major arcana cards to be the hardest to fill, but I have more of them done than anything.

I swear, there are clothed cards coming… really there are.


Day 274 of 365 days. How about street walker for my new career? It seemed to work out tonight. So this morning I shot my friend Jameel for the Tarot deck. He’ll be the Tower card for the major arcana. But I still needed a nice tower background for it. Unfortunately I didn’t really have…


Day 273 of 365 days. Look, I’m wearing color. I bet you didn’t know I did that, huh? Long tiring days lead to long tiring lives. Met with a model about possibly working on the Tarot project. At least that was fun. From there I drove home and dealt with annoying job applications (seriously, I…


Day 272 of 365 days. Had my interview today. I guess it went ok. I’m not totally enthused about the job, but I can do it. Actually, I could probably do it in my sleep. It seems kind of boring and monotonous really. And its kind of corporate. Not very creative. Really, its the kind…

on MPAA ratings…

Red Light District: Safe Sex Originally uploaded by chrismaverick. beststephi and I were at a party the other day and I got into a discussion with people about MPAA ratings. What do they mean? Where do they come from?I was surprised to find out how little people knew about the movie ratings. Most people seemed…


Day 271 of 365 days. Made a little bit of progress on the job front today, as I took calls from 3 different recruiters, including the one i talked to yesterday who thinks that the job she’s recruiting for is a virtual sure thing for me. Of course I’ve heard that before. Interview is tomorrow.…



Schwei was a friend of Brae’s (the model I picked to be the Death card in my Tarot deck) and was accompanying her on her shoot with me. He didn’t have any modeling experience but he had a good look for my concept of the Devil card. I especially love the beard and the tattoo on his hand.

Initially I had envisioned the devil having traditional horns, and I probably could have created some pretty realistic ones in photoshop or maybe with theater makeup, but in retrospect, I’m kind of glad I didn’t. I really like the look of the single model bathed in red light except for the flaming hand. I think more would have been distracting.

This also shows that there are indeed men in the Tarot deck. It’s only the second male card I’ve done. Its actually a little harder to find male models for this kind of thing than I thought it would be. I also need to get some more of the less gothic cards done. Just so that there’s a little more variety. The cards with Steph and Theresa show a little more playfulness, but its still on the dark side right now.


Day 270 of 365 days. Spent the day working on photos for the most part. I should have two more tarot cards up either tonight or tomorrow, depending on how much work I feel like doing tonight. I did get a call about a job interview on Thursday. Before everyone starts telling me that "see,…



When I first saw Brae’s modeling page I knew that she had to be my death card. She had the perfect look for what I had envisioned for it. Exotic, sexy. Reminiscent of Neil Gaiman’s Death, but a little more dangerous. I had the base idea for what i wanted to do in mind when I first wrote her, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

I went back and forth as to how ghostly I wanted to make her. I considered putting tombstones directly behind her so that you could really see right through her, but the ultimately decided that that would ruin a rule I had set for the deck when I first started. Don’t let the background overwhelm the model. It’s something that I really feel about photography in general, actually, which is why I am so fond of the solid black background look.

In any case. 8 Tarot cards done. Only 70 to go. That’s better than 10% I’m on a roll!