ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: May 2007


Day 269 of 365 days. The worse my "professional" life gets, the better my photography life gets. I could totally get used to this if I could just turn a profit. I’ve got 5 photoshoots scheduled in the next 2 weeks for the Tarot project, plus I’ve talked to 5 other models today or yesterday…


Day 268 of 365 days. Argggh…. I just noticed I’ve been numbering all of my days incorrectly since Day 247. So my “only 100 days left” post was wrong. I have even fewer than I thought. *sigh* now I have to go through and retag everything. Steph was nice enough to accompany me to Middleofnowhere,…

Ace of Coins

Ace of Coins

Continuing my Tarot Deck series. This time using Steph for my model. In these two cards (the first of the cups series) you can see another couple of concepts that will be continued throughout the deck. First, the artistic look and fashion of the coins cards, and also that the aces and tens will feature the same models with the ace being a close up shot of the ten card.

Ten of Coins

Ten of Coins

Continuing my Tarot Deck series. This time using Steph for my model. In these two cards (the first of the cups series) you can see another couple of concepts that will be continued throughout the deck. First, the artistic look and fashion of the coins cards, and also that the aces and tens will feature the same models with the ace being a close up shot of the ten card.


Day 267 of 365 days. You know what I haven’t done for 365 in a long time? I haven’t featured Steph in a pic. I kind of pulled back from using her when she started trying the project herself. But she got lazy and pulled out eventually and I never started using her much again.…


Day 266 of 365 days. So all this week I’ve been telling a continuing story of what my life has been like on the road as a drifter. I was intending to finish that story today. Unfortunately I didn’t have a really good idea. I was wishing I knew someone with a barn. I wanted…

Currently in explore

Currently in explore

Haven’t done this in a while. I guess my new high is 21.

1. Styles Clash, 2. Little Girl at Niagra Falls, 3. 4-10-07, 4. 2-28-07, 5. 3-29-07, 6. 1-21-07, 7. 1-12-07, 8. 11-2-06,

9. 2-14-07, 10. 3D Chess, 11. 8-17-06, 12. 12-28-06, 13. 11-30-06, 14. 8-12-06, 15. 4-30-07, 16.,

17. Torey and Jeremy 2, 18. Theadana 6, 19. 4-26-07, 20. 4-24-07, 21. 4-25-07 Chris Maverick/Jack Scoresby Crossover (Foldout)

Created with fd’s Flickr Toys.


Day 265 of 365 days. The fourth day in my life on the open road. The thing about a life of adventure is that sometimes in order to really appreciate the craziness you have to take a moment to really enjoy the downtimes. Sometimes I forget that. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in what’s…


Day 264 of 365 days. There’s a lot that goes into this whole being a drifter thing. It’s not just banging farmers daughters and saving the world from alien invasions. You also need to make some money. Sure, you can get decent room and board by shoveling horse manure or stacking hay, but that just…

Craig Street Bum

Craig Street Bum

For the Class with Dave group.

Assignment: "The Street" in B&W – Your portrayal of life on the street. Photos must be black & white.

This is the Craig Street Bum. He is what I can best term, a professional homeless man. In one month, I will have lived in Pittsburgh for 15 years. For this entire time, this man has been stationed on Craig Street between Forbes and Fifth Avenue. He sometimes moves from one side of the street to the other. He is never there at night. But every day, rain or shine, whenever I am on Craig Street he is there, perched on his milk crate, with a cup in front of him begging for change. I have often wondered if he is really homeless or not. Not to be callous, but you’d think after 15 years he’d either be back on his feet or would have died. I don’t very often see people giving him change (I think most passers by are aware that he is simply there every day) but he clearly changes his clothes from time to time, despite having "the homeless look." If you pay close attention you’ll even notice that his Nikes are newer than mine.

Maybe I should give the panhandling thing a try.