Day 300 of 365 days.
Ok, yeah… who has known me for more than like 20 seconds and couldn’t see this one coming. I can’t believe I’ve gotten this far. Half the time, it hardly seems like I’ve been doing this project a month, and the other half the time I can’t remember ever NOT doing it.
I wanted to do a nice 300-style pic of myself in this project, since I’ve been pretty happy with that style of processing for the tarot cards and the like, but I wanted to make it meaningful, so that meant that it was either wait til July 31st (the release date for the DVD) or do it on my 300th day. I didn’t really want to wait that long, and since the 31st is the day before my birthday and I could easily be busy, today seemed like the perfect choice.
Only 65 days to go. Wow.
Wow Mav. 300!!!
Congrats on that…that’s mighty cool. And thanks again for starting this madness. It’s weird to think how different my life would be if I hadn’t come across your group. Really. Weird.
Anyway…great shot!
@d.rex: thanks. And yeah, its changed my life a lot too. I’m really proud of the fact that it has affected so many people. And I was just about to make a topic in 365 for it. DIdnt realize it was already there. Thanks.
lol =)
@Jack Scoresby: bah! yours wasn’t really on Day 300. And you had an axe and no toga… totally different. 🙂
@ambrosialove: yeah, crazy isn’t it?
I haven’t gotten a chance to do my day 300 shot yet!
I propose spears at sunrise.
@Jack Scoresby: heh… I really wanted to use a spear, but I don’t have one. I need to get one for the tarot deck. That broad sword is a loaner that I am going to use for a tarot shoot on sunday.
Congratulations on reaching 300!!! You have created such a great group and have brought thousands of people together in this little community and now you have almost reached your goal! You are a great leader ; )
Congratulations! And may I add my thanks to those of us thrilled to be part of this group and project.
I did my ‘300’ shot back on Day 129:
I even had a spear and shield. Sort of 🙂
Seen in a discussion of 365 Days. (?)
*kicks a dude into a pit*
Nice way to mark your 300th!
well done!
i guess that makes tomorrow my 300th day….damn! must get creative…or just wait til the end of the project (i’ll try, i’ll try…what did the little engine say…"I think I can, I think I can…)
My pride runneth over!!! Congrats on 300 Days – much love! And needless to say, having you drag me kicking and screaming (ok, just repeatedly asking) into 365 land has very definitely changed my life! Of course, it’s not the first time you changed my life; but I digress….nevermind… once again Big Congrats!
oh yeah –
ps. I hope you know you have to keep going after 365 to make sure I make it through! I mean, it’s only right – right?
Congratulations Mav! And my what a big sword you have.
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
Love it!!! 300 = ******* <–dirty comment removed. Congrats on 300!
@*boheme*: thanks. I don’t know about all of that, but thanks.
@Kaptain Kobold: heh… I figured othere people had. Thanks.
@MegaBee: heheh
@Stephen Poff: thank you. Always nice to hear from you, Stephen.
@pi c’s: I look forward to seeing what you come up with. You’ll do something, I’m sure.
@lrayholly: I barely asked at all. ANd you’re doing fine. Yeah, I’lll probably keep going.
@Tojosan: Yeah, actually I borrowed the sword for a photoshoot I’m doing this weekend. It will be appearing on a tarot card.
@babblingdweeb: thanks.
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: thanks. It almost doesn’t even seem like a big deal.
what if there was alcohol involved?
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: is that an offer?
Lord knows I could use some
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: as was mentioned on other shots, I did plenty of imbiding this week. Its good for me to be taking a break, I think.
I feel like a loser!!!! Day 300 is so exciting, I just saw Sascha’s day 300 shot, also. You guys are inspiring me to start going again!
@sassyshannon999: Feel free to start back up anytime! 🙂 That reminds me, I should put this in your inspired by film group. I think I will.