Note: Several people had issues with the original version of this card as it wasn’t obvious enough that she was looking in a mirror. I understood the issue but was resistant because i really don’t want the background elements of any card to overpower the main image. Of course in this one, the mirror is part of the main image. But still I didn’t want to distract from the image. So I ended up compromising by trying to add a very simple stylized mirror frame to the image. I look forward to feedback.
In the Tarot, there are opposing suits. Swords Staffs and Cups Coins. I wanted to illustrate that within my set, and I thought the three’s would be a good place to do that. Every three will be based upon the concept of reflections, with the model being garbed and styled in the opposing suit, while they are reflected in a mirror (or some other reflective surface) with their true nature.
The original card:
I agree with your reason for wanting to avoid anything too heavy! This absolutely does it for me!!! I expected it to make a difference, but I didn’t realize it would be such a marked difference. This is great! Don’t know which one you prefer – and you should probably go with the one that suits you the best. But given a choice, I choose this one.
@lrayholly: I think I may like this one better actually… Still I’ll wait til I hear from more people as well.
I like this one better too because it’s more obvious that she’s looking in a mirror.
@SydB42: wonderful. Thank you.
I like this one a lot better.
And I just totally really like this card. So I was looking at it and thinking "But Mav, this is a sword card. The staff chick is the outer girl here, shouldn’t this be the three of staffs?" And then I was like "whoa – of course! It is sorrow. It is about trapped on the inside! The outer happy/preppy image is all together, and the sword is all sad and jacked up and trapped inside!"
@Princess Diablo: yep. That’s pretty much the story. It’s about your inner nature being trapped inside and being forced to to present an outer nature that society demands. Glad you like it.
I like this one better, too.
@MegaBee: Cool. Thank you.
Hey, Mav! Just got back to checking out your work. Nice job with tha Tarot cards! 🙂 I think I like this version of the card better. Seeing them side by side (well, top bottom) helped in seeing which one I liked better.
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
@dieselbug2007: Yeah, this version has grown on me. I’m glad you like it.
ditto everyone else’s comments: oval mirror = good 🙂
@terpsichoreann: thank you. It seems like it was a good decision.
This works better; you can tell that it’s a reflection
@βonne: yeah, the mirror eventually grew on me a lot. I’m pretty happy with it now.
I think this is the way to go. Good job incorporating the faux mirror frame into the card design.
Seen in your The Maverick Tarot set. (?)
@Sick Little Monkey: yeah, I’m pretty convinced this is right at this point.