Day 323 of 365 days.
Some days you really don’t feel like taking a picture. It’s not depression really, its just not being in the mood. I stayed up late working on my Five of Swords tarot card and backing up the data on my laptop. Then I had to get up early to get the laptop into the Apple Store. As I suspected, the drive is dying, and they didn’t have any spares there, so I had to have them mail it out for repairs. That means I’m without my computer for the week (which is about the most suckful thing ever in my book).
After I got home, I took a brief nap and then went off to an art show/open house at a collective art studio I’ve been thinking of joining. Actually, I probably will join it. You know, if I ever have a job again and can afford to do such things.
After that I came home and remember that I had a party to go to tonight. Friends of mine throw a Fourth of July party every year. This year they did it on June 30th since 4oJ falls right in the middle of the week. I was planning on just taking a backup shot today anyway, and I figured a party was as good a place to do it as any. Dee was nice enough to co-star in it with me
*cough* *cough*
nice shot. ;-P
she’s pretty and really reminds me of someone i know….
@PhotoKat: You think? This is the most back up of all back up shots ever!
@pi c’s: Really? That’s a funny coincidence.
pi c’s: Thank you so much!
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Me + 1, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
@EddieBirk: added, thank you.
aurghhhhhhhhh I sooooo want a cigarette! 132 Days and I STILL want one! Will it never end? You’re not h-e-l-p-i-n-g!
@lrayholly: It doesn’t really go away. That’s the hardest thing about quitting for me.