Day 345 of 365 days.
I love how my 365 pic views skyrocket every time I post a pic of a half naked girl.
I haven’t been online much today, and as such haven’t even really looked at flickr. Sorry about that.
Basically I had a choice of things to do today. I could work on editting pics of Sarah that I took yesterday, I could clean the house in preparation for my party on Friday. Or, I could lounge around and relax and read the seventh and final installment of Harry Potter. Obviously, I chose the latter. As such, I have for the most part shut myself off from the rest of the world, because I’d hate for someone to accidentally reveal a spoiler to me and then I’d have to cut them. (No, I am not joking).
Don’t really have much to say about today as I really haven’t done much else of anything all day except read the book. I am enjoying it. A lot of my criticisms about her writing style from the last couple books has disappeared. This one is much tighter, though I’d still like to see it edited a little harder.
Just to fill out some space, allow me to in a non-spoiler way reveal my biggest criticism about her writing in this book. She recaps. Recapping is fine for really important things, but I find here that Rowling is recapping like a soap opera. Harry and Ron go off to do something. They finish. In the next chapter they meet up with Hermoine and I’m forced to read them telling her exactly what just happened 10 pages ago. Then Hermoine and Harry run off to do something and then in 10 pages I have to watch them fill Ron in. Then maybe all three will do something and then along comes Lupin or someone and its like, "Hey Lupin, guess what we just did…"
That said, I’m glad the characters are showing major growth and maturity over their sometimes stunted development in previous years (I felt they did much better in book 6 as well) and I am really enjoying it.
I’m off to continue now, and seriously, if anyone leaves me a spoiler comment, I will kill you… like in a not pretty kinda way.
I was at Starbucks yesterday and two people were discussing the book behind me. I had to cover my ears and leave quickly to avoid hearing something I didn’t want to. They laughed at me. Oh well.
I’m right there with you, Mav.
I read the entire thing yesterday with very little online time to make sure nothing was spoiled.
I think Dumbledo..***** THIS MESSAGE EDITED FOR SPOILERS******
kidding, I wouldn’t actually send a spoiler, I hate that crap too. Also I haven’t read the book, so you’re ahead of me. Enjoy the retreat!
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
My wife is almost finished. She just let out a big exclamation about some very unexpected thing or other about someone or other….
Looks like you were well along when this was taken.
Just barely started it last night when I returned from the trip. I refuse to read ANYTHING about it for the same reasons you speak of. Wanted to stay up last night, but was just too tired… couldn’t do it 🙁
@TwistedAngelTx: see, why not just stab them where they stand… works better.
@BlueberryGirl (AnnaRenee): yep, I avoided it pretty well.
@lalalaa Dolce Vita: I’m done now. So I don’t mind as much. That said, when the flying saucer full of aliens shows up and and suck up the whole house of Ravenclaw… never saw that coming…
@phlewght: yeah, I was about halfway at the time I took the pic, I think. I’m done now.
@lrayholly: wow… you actually put sleep and work in front of Harry Potter? I’m amazed.
I am a notoriously slow reader, even while wearing my glasses, and having no distractions. (I can’t read if I can hear anything, which pretty much means no reading in public.) I am married to what I think is a gifted speed reader, but he insists its just how normal people read… So of course he got to read it first, starting Saturday afternoon and as best as I can tell finishing last night at 2am? I’ll have to ask when he wakes up, so I can take it, and start teaching myself to read in public. The clients I have with developmental delays who are reading it (And, probably faster than I will…) are already having trouble *not* telling me what happens.
Though, yesterday it was fun to go hunting through the empty music school with one of my 15 year old clients with wands (pens) at the ready checking for Dementors, because it was so cold in the building…
Fred always teases me, when it’s taken me 2 weeks to read the first chunk of a book, and starts saying, "Did you get to the Aliens yet?"…
@Jenny Lisa: I’ve been saying stuff like that to Steph constantly. Even while I was reading it. Imagine her and your surprise when you find out there actually ARE aliens in this one. 😉
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Body & Books, and we’d love to have this added to the group!