Day 352 of 365 days.
Sleep… oh sweet sweet sleep.
Did a lot of that today. Slept in, then woke up just in time to do a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Sarah who was visiting for the weekend. Hung out with her and her husband for a while and when they left I had lunch with Steph, and then promptly went back to sleep.
So what did I accomplish today? A lot of napping mostly. Ok, not quite true. I also found time to finish editing the pics of the other Sarah. I also got a lot of cleaning done (still more to do) and had a chance to video conference with my mom and discuss the last Harry Potter book which she has finally finished reading.
I love how I can do video conferencing right from my computer. I’ve wanted this ability ever since the Superfriends cartoons of the 70s. I wish I had had someone else to talk to at the time as well so I could have done a snazzy 3way chat. Oh well. Maybe in 365 year two.
Isn’t iChat fun? That’s how my wife and I chit chat
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: yeah, I love it. One day I want to get like 10 people on in a group video chat
Hi Lynn! 🙂
Mav, it was great meeting you. I’m still finishing up getting my 365’s from yesterday and today ready for posting, and then I’m off to bed. LONG drive home today, but we’re here safe and sound. 🙂
Glad you are catching up on your sleep!
Hey! That’s me! Woo Hoo! I’m featured in somebody else’s 365 pic! That’s a first for me 🙂
how cool., video conferencing.. a365 year 2!!
really? you’re teasing?
or is it for real?
@lrayholly: is it? wow. Yeah, Steph mentioned that you hadn’t appeared before, so i think its good I got you in there someway.
@sadandbeautiful (Sarah): glad you made it back ok. Saw the 365s. Can’t wait to see the other pics.
@ms.Tea: well, I’d said for a while that i probably won’t stop at 365.
woo hoo….you DID manage to feature your mom in a 365 before the year was out (had you before?? i don’t remember one…)
i want video conferencing…now.
@pi c’s: nope. that was the first time. And buy a mac! 🙂