ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: July 2007


Day 348 of 365 days. Here’s the difference between one of my parties and anyone else’s. I actually have to take measurements in the living room to make sure my decoration concept is going to work. You know, with this level of neurotic attention to detail, you’d think it’d be easier for me to find…


Day 347 of 365 days. Pretty much nothing happened today. I did not hear from the job I interviewed for and I had already finished reading Harry Potter, so it was pretty much back to business as usual. Well, bumness as usual. Spent the day editting pics of Sarah. Several are up now, including her…

Page of Staffs

Page of Staffs

Sarah was another of my very early picks for the tarot cards, but it took me a while to get to her. I had been saving the Page of Staffs for her because I thought she was perfect for it. If there was a problem it was deciding which of the many great shots of her to use for the card.

There will be more shots of her posted later.


Day 346 of 365 days. I can’t believe I have less than 20 days left in this project. It was a easy going day. I finished reading Harry Potter without hearing a single spoiler from anyone. This is a good thing, non one has to die now. Then I made some Jammy Jam plans. Things…


Day 345 of 365 days. I love how my 365 pic views skyrocket every time I post a pic of a half naked girl. I haven’t been online much today, and as such haven’t even really looked at flickr. Sorry about that. Basically I had a choice of things to do today. I could work…


Day 344 of 365 days. Would you believe I met Hermoine Granger today, all grown up? Ok, not really. But I did finally get around to taking pictures of Sarah. Sarah is a model who was a friend of another of my models and wanted a chance to shoot with me. I started talking with…