Day 372 of 365 More.
Completing the first week of the second year.
Not a whole lot to talk about today. Steph and I stayed in the house most of the day and watched TV. Then in the evening we went to the grocery store before heading over to friends’ house to watch preseason football (which, while a completely pointless exercise was still a pretty fun evening).
There’s a powerplant right outside the grocery store. This shot really has nothing to do with anything I did today, but I thought it made a cool backdrop.
Yes, it does make a good backdrop. I, however, am more interested in the t-shirt (big surprise, huh?). "Genius by birth…" What’s the rest of it say? And does "Danger" have anything to do with it? Frankly, I don’t think I’d be leaning against that metal fence either… I’m just saying.
@lrayholly: the rest of it says slacker by choice. Maybe that explains why I’m leaning against a high voltage fence.
I love the danger sign in the background.
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
I need that t-shirt.
@KatColorado: yeah, that’s what initially drew my attention.
@MegaBee: it was from walmart I think.
You look a little badass. (compliment)
@Miss Emily goes bananas: badasses are sexy, right? I’ll take it.
um, yup…bad ass is right 😉 (and yes)
as for that backdrop…did you take other shots to use for your "industry" assignment???
@pi c’s: you know, I hadn’t even thought about CWD… maybe I will use it there.
Very cool indeed !
@Hanna Stefáns.: thank you.
Very nice picture, there is a tension in it that I think comes from the composition being unusual but pleasing, as well as the two subjects reflecting each other (person and sign).
@Photos by Lynn: thanks. It was actually just kind of an afterthought. We happened to park next to the fence and I thought it would be a good shot.
Very cool picture. I love the look on your face especially next to that sign.
@simplysilly: thank you.