ChrisMaverick dotcom

Month: August 2007


Day 362 of 365 days. Jack Scoresby is dead. I was forced to take his life. As many of you may know, Jack has been traveling the countryside the last week or so and visiting other flickr photographers. It all sounded very interesting and harmless. He spent the last several days with Katie West. But…

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Opal Rae was another model I met on Model Mayhem. She initially wrote me several months ago wanting to be a part of the tarot project, but like so many others I was unable to find time to sync our schedules together.

Finally got that chance earlier this week. I’m quite happy with the results, and though its subtle, I feel as though the card says Mystery quite well.

One of the things I’m trying to do with the tarot cards is keep them as simple as possible. I was worried that I was getting too intricate with some of them. Lately I’ve been happier, as I feel that I am returning to the original spirt of the cards and design concepts.

Comments and criticism as always welcome.

Rachael sunbathing

Rachael sunbathing

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

This is actually one of my favorite shots I’ve ever taken, I think. The problem with being "an artist" is that no matter how much other people like your work, you’re always your own toughest critic. There’s usually tons I don’t like about any given picture I take. This one on the other hand makes me feel like I might actually have a smidgen of talent.

Rachael tree hugging

Rachael tree hugging

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

This is actually one of my favorite shots I’ve ever taken, I think. The problem with being "an artist" is that no matter how much other people like your work, you’re always your own toughest critic. There’s usually tons I don’t like about any given picture I take. This one on the other hand makes me feel like I might actually have a smidgen of talent.

Rachael meditating b&w

Rachael meditating b&w

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

This is actually one of my favorite shots I’ve ever taken, I think. The problem with being "an artist" is that no matter how much other people like your work, you’re always your own toughest critic. There’s usually tons I don’t like about any given picture I take. This one on the other hand makes me feel like I might actually have a smidgen of talent.

More to come

Rachael meditating 2

Rachael meditating 2

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

This is actually one of my favorite shots I’ve ever taken, I think. The problem with being "an artist" is that no matter how much other people like your work, you’re always your own toughest critic. There’s usually tons I don’t like about any given picture I take. This one on the other hand makes me feel like I might actually have a smidgen of talent.

More to come

Rachael meditating

Rachael meditating

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

More to come

Rachael with parasol

Rachael with parasol

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

More to come

Rachael with parasol b&w

Rachael with parasol b&w

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

This is actually one of my favorite shots I’ve ever taken, I think. The problem with being "an artist" is that no matter how much other people like your work, you’re always your own toughest critic. There’s usually tons I don’t like about any given picture I take. This one on the other hand makes me feel like I might actually have a smidgen of talent.

More to come

Laurie wet tanktop 2

Laurie wet tanktop 2

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

More to come

Laurie wet tanktop

Laurie wet tanktop

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

More to come

Laurie wading 3

Laurie wading 3

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

More to come

Rachael splash

Rachael splash

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

More to come

Rachael waterfall B&W

Rachael waterfall B&W

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

More to come

Amaya in the grotto 2

Amaya in the grotto 2

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

More to come