Day 388 of 365 More.
I’ve been in a dreary mood today. I have no idea why. Honestly it was kind of a good day. Had a Labor Day BBQ with various friends from complete different social circles, which always makes for an interesting evening.
Finally found out yesterday that I didn’t get the job I was waiting for that I had interviewed for a while back. So that leaves two on the plate. One I am interviewing for tomorrow and another a second interview on Thursday. Hopefully a good nights sleep will get me out of the funk I’ve been in today and I can be brilliant tomorrow.
Going to try to get back to some photo editing of the waterfall shoot and do some more tarot cards in the coming days. Hopefully that will get my creative juices flowing.
By the thumbnail I could tell you weren’t feeling well. Sorry about that job thing…hopefully the other two will work out. Get some rest and feel better.
Aw man, I’m really sorry about the job. I hope one of these others works out. That sucks.
This photo makes me sad but it is really well done. I could probably appreciate it a lot more if my son wasn’t all depressed and stuff. Wish I could make it all better. Hey! You could be like me and totally HATE the job you’d be going to tomorrow! You’ve been there, you know how that feels, right? Hope that cheers ya up 😛 Editing photos and working on Tarot cards should be a lot more fun!!!
well that blows. I have some Yuengling Black and Tan’s in the fridge. Let’s go tie one on.
@PhotoKat: well, today’s went much better. We’ll see how Thursday’s goes. Thanks.
@lrayholly: still haven’t gotten to the picture editting, but I am feeling better. Glad you like the pic.
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: good idea. Any excuse, right?
well, i’m sorry about the job and your funk…but this is a really cool photograph!
@pi c’s: thank you.
great shapes in this pic. and obviously great lighting set-up
@BMB Images: thank you.