Day 416 of 365 More.
So today I bought a truck. And a college education.
Only I’ve been driving the truck for like 4 years. And I got the diploma nine years ago. Oh yeah, and the truck has been broken down and undrivable for like 2 months. And the degree has been pretty much useless pretty much always.
But I own them.
Paid off my car loan and my last student loan today. That’s one more step to debt free. $15,000 more in credit card debt and I’m a free man. Well, its something anyway.
Of course I still need a new car, or at least to fix my old one. And I still want to go back to school one day.
I guess its a start.
Congratulations. It’s more than a start, it’s an acomplishment!
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That is quite an accomplishment! I wish I could make a dent on my mounting debts.
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@Hillwalker-ca: I guess… i don’t even want to say the number it started at. That said, there’s still quite a ways to go, and several more setbacks, I’m sure.
@Ernie E: thanks, but like I was just saying. Two steps forward, one step back.
familiar with kanye’s riff on "my degrees"? it’s one of his better moments.
@Okaypro: no, is that on the third album? i don’t have it yet.
Congratulations! I bet it feels good. 🙂
@bookgrl: thanks. And not really. I mean, really it just feels inconsequential. Seeing as how I still owe $15,000, nothing really changes. I’ll be paying the same amount out every month, just to different people. But thank you.
I wish you well in your quest to be free of debt. I know how hard it is to climb out of credit card hell.
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@picaday: very much so… thanks.
Let me hold "fiddy" till payday…
@midsize le pépère: uh sorry… that was not meant to imply that I had any cash.
Gratz! Now stop being so responsible! (You said you would…)
@jeremiahblatz: well, no, actually I said I would stop worrying about being responsible and just do what I want to do. I’m working on it.