Day 420 of 365 More.
4 2007 on UC the M.A.V with his 400D was the H.N.I.C. 24-7 of 365D. Now with the 9-2-5 he feels like he’s done the J.O.B on the P.P.V. On 420 N need of RNR and TLC before he gets 187 and DOA. TGIF. I’m TKO. BA is OTC.
I wish I had any clue what the hell you just said. I do get the 420 reference, however.
@sadandbeautiful (Sarah): eh… actually I just said that cuz it is day 420… really.
I think I know what H.N.I.C. is…. very politically incorrect.
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
@FadderUri: I usually am. 🙂
Now I wish I’d seen this before I took my shot.
That’s usually the face I put on when I have to drink Jager!
ummm yeah, yummy?
What’s with the face? Jager goes down easy. That’s how we used to drink 15-20 shots of it in a night.
I’m gld to know even english speakers don’t understand what you wrote… Could you translate it in french? lol
@MegaBee: there’s always today.
@paulinacha is temporarily out of service: I actually like Jager a lot. The face is one a whole bunch of subtle jokes here that probably nobody gets all of.
@lrayholly: very
@max1975: it totally does. And not easy… SMOOOTH. I only had 2 last night. We need to get a couple bottles and play football like the old days.
@lagreenfrog: nah, but maybe someone else will be able to once they translate it into english. It’s all part of the mystery.
HA. That made my morning a little better. I had to say it out loud. Only part I’m mising is the 187.
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
@Miss Emily goes bananas: really? I’m curious as to whether you got it right or not… email me the translation.
And I’m glad it made your day.
You forgot the Rumpleminze & Goldschläger
@erikogan: i haven’t had either in years.
Heh heh heh, love it. 🙂
@adayinthelife: thanks
you said 420.
i think i was able to decipher almost all of that…and i’m so proud of myself! 😉
@pi c’s: email me what you think it is… I’m curious.
Email me what it really is….I’m also curious!
@sassyshannon999: you have to guess first! No one has guessed! 🙁
nice face
great shot
(pun intended)
@strictly 365: thanks. Quality drinking is important in life.
The Jägermeister Hangover
This year the family owned, JÄGERMEISTER producing MAST company celebrates its 125 anyversary. In 2002 the turnover of the "Jägermeister company was about EUR 220 Million. Thats what the bosses like to talk about. But about the circumstances how Jägermeister entered the market in 1935, and why old people think of Hermann Göring when they hear "Jägermeister"the Mast family keeps silence. Its a story about a remarkable brand image change.
The archaic characters of the Brand name "Jägermeister", are no problem says Hasso Kaempfe, actual chairman of the Mast company, wich brought Jägermeister on the German market in 1935. "During the American War in Iraq," says Kaempfe while comfortable leaning back in his armchair," many german companies had problems in the US, but not us."
Today you find Jägermeister even in Israel, where it gains more and more popularity among the young. While the twenty-somethings think of party, when the hear "Jägermeister", the 80-somethings in Wolfenbüttel, hometown of "Jägermeister" think of Hermann Göring. Its an remarkable and astonishing immage change of the "Jägermeister" brand.
Back n the 30s of last century, little lovely Wolfenbüttel became a stronghold of the NSDAP, aka Nazis.
In 1922 the first local chapter of the NSDAP outside of Bavaria was founded in, guess where, in Wolfenbuettel. On Aug. 28 1926, Joseph Göbbels noted in his diary that he visited "a brilliant SA" in Wolfenbüttel. After 1933 wolfenbütel was the home of many Nazi-instituitions with the "Kraft durch Freude" (power by fun) organisation as its most popular.
Curt Mast, son of the company founder run the business since 1917. In the twenties he was as deputy for the conservative DVP ( Deutsche Volkspartei) in the local parlament. To keep his mandate he joined on May 1.1933 the Nazi-party ( memberID: 3183016). Three days later the city council nominated Hitler as honorary citizen:
original telegram text:
"Die rein nationalsozialistisch zusammengesetzte Stadtverordnetenversammlung der im Frühlingsschmuck prangenden Lessingstadt Wolfenbüttel hat beschlossen, dem in unveränderlicher Treue verehrten Führer das Ehrenbürgerrecht der Stadt Wolfenbüttel zu verleihen."
In 1934 Curt Mast stopped his engagement in politics and put all his energy in deveolping the Jägermeister brand. He choosed green as the color for his bottle. Green always had a double meaning in Wolfenbüttel, caus green is the hunters color. The city is surrounded by woods, Mast was an ethusiastic hunter with his own hunting ground close to Hermann-Göring-Werke in Salzgitter. Herman Göring was not only Reichs Home Secretary but also a hunter, and on July 3 1934 his new "Reichsjagdgesetz" ( reichs hunting law) became legal. It arranged all hunters in hierarchical groups. So called "Jägermeister" ( master hunter) existed already during the baroque period. Göring recalled that, and appointed 1934 the first "kreis and gau-jägermeister". with himself on top of the pyramid as the
Furthermore he decided that every November all hunters of Nazi-Germany should come together in the forests around Wolfenbüttel for a big "Jaegermeister Party". The Prime Minister was so thankful to build between Braunschweig and Wolfenbüttel the so called
"Reichsjägerhof Hermann Göring."
6 month after the new hunting law, Curt Mast applicated his new liqueur for a patent. The company was in deep debts, and the new liqueur was his last chance to recover.
He baptized his last hope
And all hopes came true. In 1938 the "Braunschweiger Zeitung" wrote that Jaegermeister is highly valued in all "deutschen gauen und allen deutschen schiffen" ( all german districts and ships). Mast organised the Görings Hunting parties in the Reichsjägerhof, where a lot of Jägermeister was consumed.
The rumors among the old of the city of Wolfenbüttel go that Mast, who was in good relation to Hermann Göring, consecrated his liqueur to him, and that the german military called Jägermeister "Göring-Schnaps".
After WW2 the english miltary governor for the region Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel blieved Curt Mast that he never was a real member of the NSDAP and let him escape to build up the CDU in Wolfenbüttel. Highly honered and decorated Curt Mast died in 1970.
Than Günter Mast came. He is the son of Curt Masts brother. Who had a liaison wit a jewish woman during Nazi time, and escaped with her to brazil, leaving behind his wife and son .
Günter Mast started to sponsore soccer, especially the 1.FC Braunschweig ( Braunschweig soccer club) where he bought players, lead it into the german first division and promoted the club heavily to glue "Jaegermeister" on sport . He realised that targetwd hunters are just to few to be successful. It was him who transformed the good running company into a global player.
Today nothing in Jägermeisters marketing reminds to the nazi/hunting/soccer times. ( except the chars) In 1996 the "Toten Hosen" ( dead trousers) a popular german punk band had a hit with a song and celebrating "Jägermeister". That was the breakthrough into a drugs&sex active target-group. Now you find "jägermeister on Rock concerts, so called "Jägerettes" enter the clubs and discos to promote the old herbal liqueur as hip.
Tagesspiegel, Claudia Keller
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Jager is good., and we’d love to have this added to the group!
@Cap’n Mojo: normally I don’t like to join new groups. But this is Jager, so sure why not?
yes it is Jager, so why not… thanks man this is a cool shot by the way!
@Cap’n Mojo: thanks.
I have just come across your stream and think it’s great! This picture has drawn me in, I love the description and Jager is yummy…to me at least;) I can’t believe you are on your 3rd year!! I just started 40 days ago…any helpful suggestions or constructive criticism would be wonderful, how do you do it?? haha:)