Was so busy yesterday that I never got a chance to post this til today. The funny thing is, i don’t even remember why anymore. I know I had a wrestling show in the evening, but what I did all day is pretty much a blank. I think it was mostly just hanging out with Steph, but it feels like there was something else too. I dunno I guess I’ve just been really tired all week. I’m starting to lose my mind.
did someone get their drunk on and forget the day?!?!?
@jwill9311: that would have been nice, but no, sadly not.
((Big Hug)) I’ve had days like that too. I think you saved the world. It probably just wiped you out. You’ll remember it all tomorrow.
Isn’t that called a fugue?
from dictionary.com: Psychiatry. a period during which a person suffers from loss of memory, often begins a new life, and, upon recovery, remembers nothing of the amnesic phase.
Perhaps Kungfukitten is right! Maybe you really were out saving the world!
@Qathi: thank you.
@Kungfukitten: hmm… and if that’s not it, that’s totally what I’m going to start telling people.
@lrayholly: oh yeah, totally. I was out doing all kinds of important world saving stuff.
@adayinthelife: thank you. If I knew it was this easy to get all the ladies, I’d have been walking around with my arms stretched out like this for ages.