Day 442 of 365 More.
The second weekend of halloween parties commences.
Spent the day preparing for my party next week. Went shopping with Jameel and he helped me install the center piece for this year’s halloween party. The thing with the Maverick Jams is every party I feel like I have to give a little something extra to make it better than the last. We started giving away prizes. Then we added a hottub, then we had to add a bed, then we added live bands, then we had to add a big bed. I was thinking for a while "what do my parties need, what is the little something extra that will give the Jams just the right kick to push them to the next level." Then it came to me.
Stripper Pole.
Of course, Steph thinks the whole thing was stupid. But she’s totally wrong. It’s so very perfect. And its got a very high strength to weight ratio, so I’ll be able to use it during festivus too.
Before the party tonight, we drove up to Camp Crystal Lake for a some quality skinny dipping, take my picture and making out in the backseat of our car. I don’t know what happened up there, but somehow after that she seems to have come around to my way of thinking… hmm wonder why.
Ummm yeah, you look plenty wild. I’ve really got to get that comb in the mail. Somehow, it doesn’t appear that Steph has "come around" to me.
Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)
Freddy ain’t got nothing on you babe!
Nice hair, Mav *snicker*
@lrayholly: what do you mean? She looks totally happy to me. 😉
@PhotoKat: yep, I’d kick his ass.
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: heh… I think it adds something, doesn’t it?
*dialing friend for hair emergencies*
hi mav. please don’t hurt steph. we like her.
@pi c’s: so do I. I have no idea what you’re talking about. 🙂
Love it! Great story, too!
@Glockoma: thanks.