Day 491 of 365 More.
First of all, Happy Birthday to my little brother Marcus.
Went looking through my basement for the extension cable to the lights for my christmas tree. Still no luck. But I did find something cool. My black Santa hat. I bought it a couple years ago when I saw it and couldn’t resist, but couldn’t find it last year so I ended up buying a white one.
Had another photoshoot today. So that’s two in the hole that I haven’t edited yet. Hopefully that means I’ll be having pictures of people cuter than me up here soon.
Dude, you have a black santa hat! They make black santa hats! Must google immediately…. Looks like you’ve got a Rare Item there, best I could find was a shop that did custom santa hats.
I love the black Santa hat!
You know, I have been terrible keeping up with my Flickr contacts lately, I know this…but I had not seen any of your pics on my friends page lately and I was worried you stopped. Glad you have not!!!
@jeremiahblatz: actually, I bought it at a classy French import store two years ago. I believe its name was something like Targét. But they didn’t have one when I looked last year either.
@.tara.: Thanks, tara. Yeah, I’m still here. Still plugging away, though I do think about quitting sometimes. I’ve lost a lot of popularity, and I’ve lost a lot of drive. So I don’t know. I am looking forward to passing [AJ]’s record on Christmas day. The next milestone after that is Artbandito. She’s coming up on day 1000 in a couple months. Of course since she’s still going, that’s gonna be hard. I’m not sure how she does it.
I think this just became my favorite pic of you!!!
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
nice picture. It has been shared with JHH
this is a great shot of you, Chris.
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
@lrayholly: thank you.
@DeHoll: thanks
@Mikey aka DaSkinnyBlackMan: thank you
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Holiday 365, and we’d love to have your photo added to the group.
love the hat, looks good on you.
@ms.Tea: Thank you, and I have added it.
I love this- what a stud! 🙂 Merry Christmas!
@*Kristene: thank you, and merry christmas to you.
Feliz Navidad~
Seen in Holiday 365 (?)
@rockwilder: and to you too.