Last week I did a photoshoot with Mandie. She’s got a wonderful look. She just exudes the sweet and charming girl next door vibe. Definitely totally hot, but also completely sweet and unthreatening. So I definitely didn’t want to ruin that when shooting implied nudes of her.
So that was the challenge, feature her sexiness and sensuality but without making her look slutty or blatant. I’m totally pleased with what we came up with.
In this one in particular, I really wanted to push something different. I decided to create kind of a pinup girl look for her. I think it worked out well.
More to come…
i agree. it’s did work out well. (:
@Christine Cueto: thank you. I’m happy with it.
yup out of the series so far this one works really well.
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
@disco~stu: glad you like it. Thanks
This woman is gorgeous
I love the series.
Yeah. Totally my niche.
Bitch, we gonna knife fight.
Or… make out?
@callmekayla: thank you.
@spresogna: hah… you know, we never did anything like old fashioned pin-up style with you. When your next free evening? As for you and Mandy, you realized if you do either, you’re calling me to take pictures first, right? 😉