Day 566 of 365 More.
At work they wanted file headshots of everyone in my company (its a small company) so guess who got elected to that duty. I don’t mind really. But it reminds me how much I’d rather be taking pictures than working. Maybe I’ll play the Powerball this weekend. It should be getting up to the point where its financially viable again either this weekend or next drawing.
Beyond that, there’s nothing to talk about really. The last few days I’ve spent working overtime preparing for a client presentation I have to give tomorrow. I haven’t had much time to really do anything fun. I did post new tarot card, so please check that out. And I have a few ideas in the works, including a comic book project. But I’m not really ready to give details on those just yet.
But just you wait. There are details to come soon.
Among your many talents and duties: Staff photographer for a small company (YES I KNOW IT’S THE SAME MONEY).
Point is, you are recognized as the go-to guy for matters dealing with photography, space and design.
They are valued skills and a value added for the people you work for. I know you’d prefer to pursue those interests more rather than occasionally, but today you will do the other part of your job and I bet you will do it well.
Enjoy your Friday.
It’s cool that you get to take photos as part of your job… tho’ it would certainly be cooler if you were compensated more (or just could do the photos _instead_ of your other work.) But hey, paid photographer is still kinda cool.
And Happy Leap Day! I’m gonna start 366 today. Do you have an estimated ETA on my first year book intro? 🙂
oooo you even LOOK like the serious photographer! Good!
Seen on your photo stream. (?)
@DeHoll: eh, I’m not the staff photographer. Really, it’s more that a lady I worked with wanted her pic to be good so she asked me, and then it kinda became me doing everybody. I really don’t mind doing it, but really, its not being a photographer.
@mickeysacks: yeah, like I said. It was more of a one off thing. I’m paid to be there. I happened to be taking pictures that day. It won’t be a regular part of my job. And as you know, by now. Your intro is done.
@pinkgypsysoul: thank you.
@lrayholly: heh… thanks.